original Tamagotchi User


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New member
Oct 4, 2006
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Wow, Tamagotchi's have changed so much. I remember when they first came out, i was about eight or nine, though it seems like I was alot younger. ten years later and still popular =O I remember i had about five of them and was so excited and felt way cool when i got the tamagotchi angel, now they are all high tech lol

anyways hi my name is kat, i just bought the v.3 the other day cause i was so shocked they still made them and wanted to check it out. well yup thats about it! great forum by the way.

Yeah, there was a point in time where they didn't make them anymore. But I'm glad they're back :angry: Hope you like it here, the people are pretty nice.

Welcome, fellow tamalover! Hope you like the new v3s, I know I dont ( :furawatchi: ), try the v2 if you get your hands on them, much less glitchy. :(

Again, welcome.

Welcome to TamaTalk! :(

I was a late 90's Tamagotchi lover also. :furawatchi:

Enjoy your stay and let us know if you need any help! :(

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