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Well-known member
May 12, 2005
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New South Wales Australia.
I have a piece of sawdust stuck in my eye, It has been stuck there for over 3 hours now... It has scratched the inside of my eye and it hurts like hell! I CANT GET IT OUT!

Please help :)

Yeah, I've used them... I've put my face into water and blinked, Flushed my eye out with water, eyedrops, blinking... Its still lodged in my eye and my eyelid is now swollen!

That sucks x.x Can you see the sawdust at all? If you can you might be able to pick it out.

Also the sawdust might be out and your eye is just still irritated from it.

Just try to keep it closed and avoid rubbing/touching it. Also, get a warm/hot wash cloth and hold it against your eye to calm the swelling.

The only thing I can really thing to do is the wash cloth, eye drops, and try not to touch it.

If it's not better by tomorrow you might want to see a doctor. It may be infected x.x

No, I cant see the sawdust... I think its inside the eyelid because it only hurts when I blink.

I fell asleep for an hour and when i woke up my eye was watering like crazy...

I'll try the washcloth thing. Thanks <_<

No, I cant see the sawdust... I think its inside the eyelid because it only hurts when I blink.
I fell asleep for an hour and when i woke up my eye was watering like crazy...

I'll try the washcloth thing. Thanks <_<
You're welcome ^^ I have pink eye right now so I've been learning a bit of med info for eyes lately xP

My technology teacher told me a SIMILAR story like this thats happened to him, he says you should always go to the doctor because if you sleep on it, the eye skin willl grow over it. Eww.. GO TO DOCTOR NOW!!!!! HURRY!


I cant go to the doctors now... Its closed and it isnt open tommorow... I think the sawdust is out now though!! *squeals with joy* but my eye is still swollen, and its sore from the scratch...

Ouch. X.X

Glad to hear it came out.

If it still hurts or feels swollen, keep on flushing them with water.


Thank god you got it out :p How did you get it out? Or, did it just come out miraculously :(

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