Ouchh! :O


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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Okay, um, this is going to be a little embaressing but.... I need to know.

I have this really sharp, tight pain directly above my....erm... butt crack. :|

I don't know why, but it just REALLY hurts.

I cant sit or lay on it without it hurting.

It looks a little red, but that's about it. I don't think it's swollen or anything.

What is it, and what can I do about it!

I can't sit or do anything comfortable because the pain is so bad.

Did you fall over recently? I had a similar problem when I fell down on the ice rink ( I love ice skating) It hurt for a while.

It's probably something to do with your coxcyx (sp?) have you fallen over or something lately? Have you done anything to hurt your lower back? With hope the pain should pass in a week or so, but, if not, I would see a doctor to make sure you haven't done any serious damage

I fell over yesterday, but it's been hurting for almost a week.....

Thanks, guys!

My mom wants to take me to a doctor if it still hurts by Tuesday . D=

I think I went through that. I ended up staying in bed a day then getting on my feet. Even though it hurts, try doing that. :p

I had that, when I smashed my cocyxe (sp) into the little red thing you have to click your seatbelt into. :/

It hurt.

But, it goes away. ;D

I remember I was playing in the school-yard at recess with some friends, and I fell back trying to catch a tennis ball that was coming my way. D:

My lower back hurt bad. :)

I couldn't run or sit, and what's worse was I couldn't do track and field the following day. D:

But don't worry, it'll get better, just might take a while depending on how bad it's busted...

That happened to me a couple weeks ago, when I was *blush* trying to model-walk backwards. I fell on my butt and it hurt for 2 weeks then went away.

It might not be the exact same thing though, because I didn't hurt when I sat down.

Same here! But a while ago. I cracked my coxcyx and it never healed properly.

It still hurts when I fall on my butt, which happens a lot.

You probably did something to it. Even if its just bruised.

So, you fell on your butt bone? If you're really bony, like me, it probably hurt worse. I've had that happen to me before when I was skating. I lost my balance and fell right on my butt bone. Then I got up and continued to roller skate, but it hurt every time I moved my leg.

If you fell, It can take up to a year to heal, says my Phisiotherapist neighbour. XD

I smashed my cocyx on a diving board. o_e. That was in february, and it still kills to sit down or get up.

I've had something like that pain in meh lowerback area, but I knew the reason. We had just gotten a trampoline, and I would jump on it almost all day for about 3 days. I would do tricks, like jumping, then sitting and getting right back up. It put a little pressure on my tailbone. It went away in about a week though.

i get that to *blushes* when i like sit on it funny. i dont notice it right away but later when i get up its like all tingly

ok this is how u spell the type of bone and it definition


The coccyx (pronounced KOK-siks), commonly referred to as the tailbone, is the final segment of the human vertebral column.

there u go!

___ :lol: :lol: :lol: ______JonasBrothersRule619_____ :wub: :wub: :wub: _______

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Ohhh i do that ALL the time! xD It hurts for a few days but it'll feel better soon. If you fall down alot [That's always my case xp] that's what it is. Actually, my friend and I were playing tug of war across his street with an extension cord [We were getting really bored] and he let go and I fell back and hit it. it only hurt for abot 30 mins. xD

That sounds like your coxix bone, it's the bottom of your spine, i bashed minen once, and once you've bashed it, it's sore for life, on and off though, like last year it didn't hurt but just this month it's been tweaking again.

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