Our dog died


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I am so sorry. I feel for you, seriously.

I remember when my dog died. I was devastated.

It was so nice of you and your family taking him in so he could enjoy the rest of his time,

what a poor thing, being abused.

Anyway, I am sorry.

I am so sorry about your dog. He was so cute. I remember when Doodle, my mouse died. I was so sad. But your dog is now relieved from the pains he may have gotten and kept from abuse and in a better place. And he'll always be with you. In your heart (Sorry to get corny...)

Aww, I remember when my dog died. It was two years ago. He had gotten sick and died at the age of 17. But he was suffering, and I know he's in a better place now. Hey, Shadowfire is probably up in the doggy heaven playing with my doggy right now. :(

My friend's dog who was old, blind, deaf fell in the pool when they didn't notice he managed to get out and drowned. :( my friends stepmom was devastated, because she had had that dog for 16 years. My friend's stepmom cried ALL day (literally).

yeah our dog recently died so.. i really do feel your pain... i hope you feel better soon ;__;


none of my pets has died but i feel really sorry for you.................

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Just remeber, he is in a better place now, he forgave whoever abused him, and he loves you.

One day, you will meet again, and all sorrow will be gone, for you will be together again, happy.

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I'm real sorry- my little hamster died yesterday too. D:

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