Over-Obsession with sonic


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Sep 27, 2008
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new zealand
I Have a megamegamegamegamegamega obsession with sonic the hedgehog!DX How can i stop this obsession?i listen to can you feel the sunshine and Livin' in the city over and over.i want a tails doll sonic and shadow doll and i would like sonic R and the official sonic soundtrack and so on.i think the obsession is major.help D=


Watch or play somthing else then maybe you will like it and get over Sonic?

once a furry, always a furry.

*backs away*

Lol, what's so bad about an obsession? XD

I'm obsessed with a lot of things... Tamagotchis...TamaTalk...the Computer in general...School work...

I say as long as it's not taking over your life, don't get to stressed over it. :lol:

why do you want to stop liking something you like? o.o

;) Dude, I was obsessed with Sonic the Hedgehog since I was six years old... and still am to this day (that's almost 17 years!!). There's nothing wrong with it... in fact I wouldn't be able to draw if it weren't for Sonic... You should check out the Comics published by Archie, especially the ones before issue #50 although I've heard a new artist is being hired to make it awesome again...

Also there's an old Sonic the hedgehog cartoon that used to air in the 90's on Saturday morning... that one is cool too. It's about Sonic and the Freedom fighters fighting against a scary Robotnick... Very cool though.

Classic sonic games are awesome too. If you're ever in a thrift store and come across a Sega Genesis, maybe Sonic 2 for it? Pick it up. It'll rock your socks.

I gives you high fives fellow sonic lover! W00t! Overlanders for Mobians!!

As time goes on, the strength of your obsession will fade.

-Done talking like Albus Kenobi-

Basically o_O

You just found something that you will like for a year or more.

December 26th is my "Super-Star-Wars-Spaz" anniversary :mimitchi:

Don't worry, I'm obsessed with a lot of things including snakes. Infact snakes seem to crop up in a lot of my TT posts, I'm writing a book about snakes, I keep doing research and looking at photos and I keep buying snake posters. You'll get over it soon, I used to be obsessed with it as well.

I Have a megamegamegamegamegamega obsession with sonic the hedgehog!DX How can i stop this obsession?i listen to can you feel the sunshine and Livin' in the city over and over.i want a tails doll sonic and shadow doll and i would like sonic R and the official sonic soundtrack and so on.i think the obsession is major.help D=

I did NOT understand a WORD you said!!!

Try putting spaces between your sentences and use proper grammer. Ok? :furawatchi:

Uh. I, like, used to want to marry Knuckles I think. Lol.

I don't really know what to say. Because I just picked up something different, and got obsessed with that thing.

Like right now I'm obsessed with something...I don't know if anyone can guess what it is.. ;P

You could try picking up something else, but then you could get obsessed with that like me.

I agree with xPicklex. As long as the obsession isn't getting to a point where it scares you and annoys others, then you're good. :furawatchi:

Although, if you do find your obsession is going too far, try looking at other things, or hanging out with people with different interests. You might become a new fan of something completely different! Just don't let it get out of hand..


LOL I can see it now...

"Hi, my name is Sugary Ghostie~* and I'm a Sonic addict."

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiii, Sugary Ghostie~*"


Try to think about something else. Little things can help, like making your bed, thinking about the weather, etc. Try hanging out with your friends and seeing a movie or something of that sort.

As time goes on, the strength of your obsession will fade.-Done talking like Albus Kenobi-

Basically o_O

You just found something that you will like for a year or more.

December 26th is my "Super-Star-Wars-Spaz" anniversary  :furawatchi:
Wanna bet? I love sonic since I was 3, and I always have since them. ^^^^^

I am freaking, fudging obessed with him and I love the songs you mentioned! I use to have sonic R but my dad threw it away. :'( I'm always listening to the songs though, it puts a smile on your face and if it isn't that, then I listen to other sonic songs.

Just stay obbessed with him! It's a tasty goodness. <3 xD

edit: Living in a city, you know you have to survive, you've got to keep that dream alive, where everything free, can't you see?

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I would try playing some other game that isn't Sonic that you've played before that you might have quit because it was hard. If you just keep on trying, some part of you is going to tell you to try to beat that level, opponent, boss, etc. If that doesn't help, you could ask for a therapist..? :furawatchi:

Play Earthbound and watch anime. (I can give you suggestions. I've watched a lot)

Trust me, you'll be switching obsession in an instant. xD

Cecib :eek:

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As time goes on, the strength of your obsession will fade.-Done talking like Albus Kenobi-

Basically o_O

You just found something that you will like for a year or more.

December 26th is my "Super-Star-Wars-Spaz" anniversary :furawatchi:
17 plus years of fandom baby. I was a fan during the console wars! 16-bit revolution baby!!! Real fandom never goes away.

Some of the most influential people are obsessed with something to the point of scariness, just make sure that there's some out put to go with that Sonic input and you're all green. :eek:

> :D The original games are the best though, again, get yourself a genesis and sonic 2 and ye will understand... Classic sonic music is the best, but Sonic R's theme is pretty cool...

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