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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2009
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Ok, this is what happned...

I had my TMGC+ Color lying around for a little at someone's house(with all the other Tamas), and a bit later, some 3 year olds were smudging the screen of the TMGC+ Color. I've tried everything, but it won't unsmudge! :furawatchi: Does anybody know how to unsmudge a Tamagotchi+ Color?

Do you think the screen is scratched? I know those screens get scratched really easily. I hope that's not the case because there is really nothing that can be done now.

Maybe there is some oil on it?

You'll need to use a dish soap to get that out. *wet paper towel with a teenee bit of dish soap, wash with that then use another paper towel with just water to clear it up*

I hope it's not some sort of paint.

Who knows what little kids get in to!

Keep trying, I'm sure something will work.

Yuck! Try a glasses lens cleaner. You can get some at For Eyes. They will clean everything: keyboards, computer and TV screens. Or maybe Wet Ones or Lysol Disinfecting Wipes. If that does not work, Mothra's probably right, the screen is probably scratched. So sorry. : (

Thanks Mortha and midnightbluetama_a79.

The screen was already hevily(sp?) scratched before the kids got into it.

They used their hands to smudge it, and I used the soap method(that Mortha said), except when I wiped the soap off, I carefuly used a microfabric towel(just like midnightbluetama_a79 suggested) , which is the same thing I clean my glasses with.

It cleaned the week-old mess the kids made with my color. Thanks, guys. You can close this topic now. ;)

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