Owchie o.o''


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September 2008 Contest Winner
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
Well I got suspended from school (Pullin a chair from a friend and she fell, PWNED) And when I was in the office I asked to see the nurse cause my head hurt as well as my eyes when I made a fast movement with them. When I got there I told the nurse and she said I need glasses dispite the fact I have perfect Vision, I was thinking I got it from not eating much in the past 3 days. I told my mom when I got home (She was mad for the Suspension XP) And she told me something I forgot, I got her reading glasses and see if that did the trick and it did x.X Though it still hurts a bit I think its from staring at my PC screen for a while. I want contacts but my mom yelled at me "WELL IF YOUR THE ONE WHO SPENDS ALL HER TIME ON THE COMPUTER!" Wow 2 hours a day..... Im using glasses to type this right now. Im getting contacts because I aint looking like no geek on Monday, 1 week and a half from now (SPRING BREAK STARTS FRIDAY!!!! :ichigotchi: !) How much do contacts cost?

I wear glasses. I don't look that bad.

If you do want contacts however... I dunno what they cost o.o; I only wear glasses.

Trust me, if I go in school with glasses everyone would laugh since I have never worn glasses >.<

First day I wore glasses nobody said anything... xD

If they say anything about how they look on you then they're not worth the attention.

EDIT: Website for contacts View here.

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Trust me, if I go in school with glasses everyone would laugh since I have never worn glasses >.<
Really I think glasses are look cooler than contacts. Contacts look like hard to take care of. But if anyone makes fun of you, just ignore them. They are not worth waisting your time arguing. It's not going to ruin your social life. A popular person in my class wears reading classes and she is still cool.

I need to wear glasses but I wear contacts because glasses hurt my eyes for some reason.

People like my glasses, also, Pulling the chair on your friend was rude.

You deserved the suspension, it wasn't a funny thing to do. It's also greatly immature.

Stick with glasses, you may find other's opinions better.

Also, contacts are about $200 a pair.

My older sister has contacts. She told me when she wakes up late for school that the contacts make it longer to get ready. Because you have to carefully place it in your eye. Contacts are alright but they are pretty expensive... So try to get discounts or cheap ones. :)

I would stick to glasses if I were you, who cares of what people think? You'll get used to it. I wear glasses and I don't mind if people make fun of me. :blink:

I'm probably getting contacts next year. The eye doctor said I should get glasses, because I won't need to wear them all the time, but at my school people will comment. (Not make fun of me, but comment.) I don't look good with glasses anyways.

Sorry you got suspended! How long is it for?

I don't get why you think pulling a chair out from under someone and then getting suspended for it is funny.

Or something to be proud of.


i have 20/20 vision, but i have to have a hearing aid sometimes bcuz im almost deaf in my left ear a lot of ppl make fun of me but i could care less

i have 20/20 vision, but i have to have a hearing aid sometimes bcuz im almost deaf in my left ear a lot of ppl make fun of me but i could care less
I have 20/20 vision in my right eye............ and something much, much worse in my left eye. My dad's almost deaf in one ear, he never had to wear a hearing aid though.

Well I got suspended from school (Pullin a chair from a friend and she fell, PWNED) And when I was in the office I asked to see the nurse cause my head hurt as well as my eyes when I made a fast movement with them. When I got there I told the nurse and she said I need glasses dispite the fact I have perfect Vision, I was thinking I got it from not eating much in the past 3 days. I told my mom when I got home (She was mad for the Suspension XP) And she told me something I forgot, I got her reading glasses and see if that did the trick and it did x.X Though it still hurts a bit I think its from staring at my PC screen for a while. I want contacts but my mom yelled at me "WELL IF YOUR THE ONE WHO SPENDS ALL HER TIME ON THE COMPUTER!" Wow 2 hours a day..... Im using glasses to type this right now. Im getting contacts because I aint looking like no geek on Monday, 1 week and a half from now (SPRING BREAK STARTS FRIDAY!!!! :p !) How much do contacts cost?
Glasses aren't geeky or nerdy anymore :huh: I wear them all the time. Contacts will be harder to maintain and they can get costly.

People like my glasses, also, Pulling the chair on your friend was rude.You deserved the suspension, it wasn't a funny thing to do. It's also greatly immature.

Stick with glasses, you may find other's opinions better.

Also, contacts are about $200 a pair.
Please do not speak to me.

I just realized something: It was just my headache! I never actually needed glasses XP It was my headache the whole time: Suspension is only for Today, Spring break starts tomorrow

Suspension carries over into the next coming school week. If you're suspended for a week, you get suspended today, grounded for Spring Break, then serve another four days in suspension next school week.

Because, frankly, parents WILL NOT reward you for getting suspended. If I tried to fake sick on Fridays while I was in school, I have to cancel my plans for the weekend. If I get suspended before a vacation, I'm grounded. If I d bad crap to get more time off, I'm spending that time without many privilages.

If your parents are anything like mine were, you'll be spending Spring Break under a grounding. You did the crime, now do the time.

As for the glasses thing, just wear them. No one is going to put down hundreds of dollars on contacts for you if you might not need them. A NURSE is NOT a licensed optometrist. Go see an optometrist and take an eyesight test. If you need glasses, get them. People I hang around with say glasses can be cute. I myself think glasses are sexy. All you need is a style that fits you.

Enjoy your grounding.

Suspension carries over into the next coming school week. If you're suspended for a week, you get suspended today, grounded for Spring Break, then serve another four days in suspension next school week.
Because, frankly, parents WILL NOT reward you for getting suspended. If I tried to fake sick on Fridays while I was in school, I have to cancel my plans for the weekend. If I get suspended before a vacation, I'm grounded. If I d bad crap to get more time off, I'm spending that time without many privilages.

If your parents are anything like mine were, you'll be spending Spring Break under a grounding. You did the crime, now do the time.

As for the glasses thing, just wear them. No one is going to put down hundreds of dollars on contacts for you if you might not need them. A NURSE is NOT a licensed optometrist. Go see an optometrist and take an eyesight test. If you need glasses, get them. People I hang around with say glasses can be cute. I myself think glasses are sexy. All you need is a style that fits you.

Enjoy your grounding.
Im not grounded............I just wasn't allowed to use the computer yesterday. And as for the Suspension, I only got it for one day. When I come back after Spring Break I have my first Swim Practice in the pool. My parents are NOT that strict with punishments, even if they both we're in the navy.

And it was just my headache, my eyes dont hurt anymore. Though I do need to spend less time staring at the TV/Computer is what my brother said.

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