Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday) Hatch!


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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2011
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United Kingdom - England
Hey guys! :lol: , I was thinking of starting a new hatch, and as you may or may not be aware, this Tuesday, the 12th of February 2013 is.... Pancake Day! (Or Shrove Tuesday, it's official name ;) ) anyways, this hatch is going to start at ANY TIME OF DAY YOU WANT :lol: just, on the 12th, I know Timezones in different country's are different, so just start on this day, whenever you want :)

Right, the rules :) :

1. V1-V6 must be used (although Colour Tama's and Tama-Go will be accepted ;) )

2. Be friendly and respectful to all others joining the hatch :lol:

3. Pictures of your tama's progress are not required, but encouraged :)

And 4. Have fun :lol:

-KT001 :lol:

This hatch is very soon...come on everyone, consider hatching a Tamagotchi on Shrove Tuesday :)

Otherwise it looks like it'll just be me and Kuchitama!

Kuchitama mentioned that Tamagos and Colour Tamas would be accepted also, so your id L fits into that category :)

My Memetchi, Beemo, hasn't left his Babytchi yet, but I'm hoping since I'm in Australia, it will still be Shrove Tuesday for you guys!

Perfect timing! I just got a baby Choribotchi, who is now a Paletchi! She was born after my Perotchi married a Kikitchi this morning around 8:00 AM!!!!! :D

I have a female Babytchi called Cake,, who I found crying on my bedside table when I came home from work.

She seems much happier now.

Sorry guys! Was away Awhile, but I got a. Male teletchi called zac on my v3, and a nokotchi called Xavier on my Tama-Go!, they evolved into a Tamatchi and a Mattaritchi respectively, and are currently an Obotchi and a Kilalatchi :) v3 to evolve on Sunday, and Tama-go, later today! I can't wait! Really wanting a Kuromametchi on my Tama-Go! Keep you posted, also, I'll have pictures, when I get back from school! (Last day, then a week's break :D )

Cake evolved into Hinotamatchi - I was hoping for Ichigotchi, though I'm not surprised. It's hard to run more than one Tamagotchi for me, as I work almost every day. I really shouldn't...but here I am ;)

Hey guys! As I'm at my nan's for a couple of days, I've unfortunately had to pause my Tama-Go for now, as due to it's bulk, it's hard to bring with you (although the "Go" in it's name would suggest otherwise :( ) but my v3 is still going strong :) it actually, somehow evolved! Into a... Pyonkotchi... Well, I WAS hoping for a new adult (as I've had Pyonkotchi a few times on my v4) but never mind, pics coming Veryyyy soon. :lol:

Xavier had a baby! He married a tsunotchi and had a baby girl! Xavier is currently a Hohotchi though, as he is wearing the special costume, should be leaving tomorrow, how sad :'( , will also log the Tama-go tomorrow (currently a Kuromametchi) happy logging :) :lol:

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