Pants, shorts, skirts, or skorts.


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Jeans. Jeans ftw.

I'ma girl. I wear mostly jeans pants or shorts when it gets warmer. ;P

I absolutely hate skirts. Well, the ones I have. They're horribly ugly. :]]

Jeans, usually Skinnies during School

And Shorts during Summer (My shorts are too short to wear to school :I)

Nothing! kidding.

I usually wear pants Pants. I don't wear skirts because I don't have any, [Well I have one skirt. But yeah...]

Shorts? I don't wear them that much. I only have one Pair.

I wear Capris only when I feel like wearing them, Which is rarely, my Old/Only Pair of Capris don't fit anymore.

Skorts? I hate those.

So yeah, Pants win.

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Mostly I wear pants... I used to hate shorts, but I actually found some nice ones last summer. Then I lost 20 lbs, so they no longer fit me. Woops.

I like skirts, too but I never get around to buying them.

So I guess pants. xD

I wear pants ALL the time in public.

You will never see me in shorts in public. :x'

Winter: Pants.

Spring: Pants.

Summer: Shorts.

Fall: Pants.

I'm definitely a pants girl. My family makes fun of me for it. xP

Pants / Jeans / Shorts at all times.

I have a strong dislike towards skirts and dresses for some reason.

It's just impossible to get me to wear one unless it's a veeery formal event where it's just disrespectful not to, like a wedding or funeral etc..

I wear shorts as often as possible.

Usually from October - March I wear pants (usually jeans) and the rest of the year I wear shorts. I love shorts, especially short ones. xD

Rarely I wear skirts. Only on more dressy occasions or when they don't make me look too stupid.

Never skorts. D:

I wear whatever all year round.

Whatever I can get my hands on first in my closet is what I wear xD

Ususally in winter though I wear stockings with my shorts or skirts.

[SIZE=9pt]Jeans, shorts, & skirts.[/SIZE]


Usually in winter I wear jeans,

Spring I wear jeans/shorts,

Summer I wear shorts, skirts & jeans when it's cold,

And autumn I wear jeans/shorts.


[When wearing skirts or shorts, I sometimes wear tights or leggings, & jeggs.]

In the Winter; jeans of all different types.

In the Summer; skirts, sundresses and short shorts.

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