parents strike on tamas


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Aug 11, 2008
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i went to mexico in july and i brought 2 of my tamas with. (my v4 and my v4.5) i brought them everywhere and i kept them in my pocket. i took rthem out alot and played with them in resturants, the airport, and i took them out and had the chain on my finger. my dad got so annoyed with them he took them from me when we got home. i have them now, but what do u think parents have against tamas?

I don't think they have anything against them, they just probably think thats all your interested in, not paying attention to the outside world.

Since you were probably in Mexico they wanted you to see something other than your Tamagotchi screen. Did you think of it that way?

Yes you should check your Tam Tams on a regular basis but they won't die in a matter of 5 mins.

Maybe check every hour or two unless its calling for you.

What I do is I keep it in the Hotel room, until I come back, which is like a whole day am I right? So at night before you go , to bed or go change check your tamagotchi.

Just brinmg your Tama along, just don't be constantly looking at what its doing :wacko:

I totall agree with ~tama_princess~. Parents don't want you to be totally obsessed with your tamas to the point where you dont even spend much time talking to your family anymore. They only want what is best and they believe that family is best, and it is. Next time, spend more time talking with your family at the airport and when you have time with them.

I agree with ~tama princess~ too.

My Parents Love My Tamas!

I had to teach my Dad how to play them. I sometimes leave my Tamas with them while I'm at school and they have a Day off work.

My mom thinks that I'm not paying enough attention to her (when I truly am listening) I used to be obsessed like crazy so that's probubly why she doesn't want to get me batterys or new tamagotchi. Now I'm not that obsessed but I do still bring my tama in the tub with me (in a small water proof container) Lol kinda weird but I like to have my tama always close to me ^^.

My parents think they beep too much and need a lot of attention.

[SIZE=8pt]My parents don't really care too much about my tamagotchis, although I guess they don't really get why I always carry mine around with me. x][/SIZE]

I don't think they're a fan of the beeping noises they make, either, but I'm hardly ever around my family so they don't hear too much of it.

Other than that, they couldn't care less.

I agree with ~tama princess~ too. My Parents Love My Tamas!

I had to teach my Dad how to play them. I sometimes leave my Tamas with them while I'm at school and they have a Day off work.
I totally agree as well..

Speaking of teaching your dad how to play with them,

My dad actually wanted one so I gave him one of my old V2s to play with.. Ever since then he's been alot.. happier XD

My parents seem to think that I'm ignoring them and that I don't care what they're saying if I check on my tama during a very boring boring movie.....All well I don't know why:)

My mom thinks that I'm not paying enough attention to her (when I truly am listening) I used to be obsessed like crazy so that's probubly why she doesn't want to get me batterys or new tamagotchi. Now I'm not that obsessed but I do still bring my tama in the tub with me (in a small water proof container) Lol kinda weird but I like to have my tama always close to me ^^.

I agree about the parents:D

:D Let's face it, parents are not perfect, they are people. There are lots of people now who like to look for the quick-fix and who don't get involved with what their kids are acctually doing. These are the parents who put parental controls on everything, the people who don't like violence or the real world in anything their kids are watching, and who, when they are annoyed will take their inadequacies as parents out on your tamagotchi. It's easy to blame inability to parent on an object, video game, genre of music because it is easier to fix than the real problem.

If parents want their kids to play with the Tamagotchi less, there are ways to do it. They could find out how and why one would have fun with it, they could spend more time having fun with their kids (getting to know their child's favorite activities), they could set up a log so the child would have to log in the time that they spent playing with the thing and not go over a cirtain amount....

Blame for misuse usually falls upon the parent's shoulders THEY ARE THE PARENT. Instead of letting the little guy be a problem, they could make it work to make the child more responsible.... I'm sure that the kids whose parents play with tamagotchi too are least likely to just randomly take the toy away.

What I'm saying though is not that we should all start a finger pointing group but that, if you notice your parents getting angry talk to them about the problem. Try to make a solution. Come to some agreement. Don't let your little Tamaくん get you in trouble! There is always a solution!!

I so totaly agree with darkredphantomx with this... Though, sometimes the parents who put parental blocks on teverything and crud like that aren't doing it for a quick fix, but rather because they're so scared that the real world will somehow harm thier children if they're exposed to it. Unfourtunately, this 'safety bubble' that they build around their children usualy backfires. While I agree that there's a time and place to expose children to various things, I don't belive keeping children sheltered from EVERYTHING is going to keep them safe.

Anywho, like DRPX said, try talking to your parents and set up a solution that you both can be happy with. It'll take comprimise, but it can work.

My parents don't like them, but they have grown used to them, and so they let me have as many tamas as I like....WhoopWhoop!

My parents don't like them, but they have grown used to them, and so they let me have as many tamas as I like....WhoopWhoop!
well....... my parents quite like them but they also want me to concentrate on other things like high school and being a teenager but i really do love tamas! ;) :blink: my mum wanted to learn how to play on my v4 once.... and i taught her but my dad he is on the other side of the planet he doesn't really like to play with them........ -_- :mimitchi: & whenever i get grounded or something like that my dad takes them away from me as a punishment! :p :angry: :angry: i can't live with out my tamas for more than 3 days. B) but anyway i think my parnts dont actually mind me playing with tamas so im pretty lucky!!!!! :) :) :) :)

p.s ur very lucky kuchipatchi love to have parents who let u have as many tamas as u want!! :ph34r: :ph34r:

Hey guys, since you are all talking about what parents think of Tamagotchis, I'll tell you what my mom thinks. Sometimes my friends tell me to Tama-Sit (Tamagotchi babysit) for them. My mom tells me don't bring someone else's home because she tells me, "I hate yours beeping so much, I don't think I can stand two!" I turn the sound off, but it's still a bit of a nuisance to her. I think it's because parents think you're too absorbed in the virtual pet, you're not really paying attention to life in general. I'm not trying to insult you or anything, but you get the idea, right?

my parents dont like my tamas because i always have to check on them she always makes me keep them at home when we go out. I asked her why once and she said i should be paying more attention to whats going on around me i guess to them it seems like we are absorbed in them all the time.

P.S my parents hate the beeping too, but it is kinda high pitched and annoying ;) :D :furawatchi:

My mum loves them ^_^ ! I just bought 4 V5's ! One for my friend's birthday, one for my mum, one for me and one for my brother. I am really disappointed in the V5 though :angry:

Lols. Maybe they think you spent more time on the tamagotchi then on them. They get offended by that sometimes. Especially when doing a family thing and you're doing your own thing.

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