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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2007
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It's christmas eve right and tomorrow is christmas day so i just want this day to go as fast as it can, does anyone have any suggestions on how to pass time?

Well it isn't Christmas eve here it is tomorrow so I'm not sure what I'll do I guess I'll be extra hyper that usual kills time lol and my b days on Christmas not kidding here!!

I guess you could take a nap. Go on TT. Whatever other people usually do to pass the time.

It isn't Christmas Eve for me YET.

I'm passing the time tomorrow by spending two hours cleaning my room. D: My mom is forcing me.

Go on TT. Read a book. Play a board game. Write a song. Make up a dance. The possibilities are endless. :3

It may seem like Christmas will NEVER come, but it will in it's own time. :mellow:

it isnt christmas eve for me either but if it was the u suggest you watch movies get yourself tired to go to sleep thats what i do well i usually wait for the clock to be midnight then we open our presents ♥

It si Christmas Eve here too...

To pass the time I'll probably be on TT for a while, then have a little sleep. I can't play outside because its raining. normally I would play a game of cricket, but not this year.

Like what others have said, read a book, watch a movie, or draw something...

DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! Let's pretend Christmas was.. yesturday. xD

Go online, watch TV, wrap some gifts, read, draw, listen to music, the usual.

Christmas Eve isn't until tommorow for me. :]

[btw I got my digital camera early and my mom showed me my 80GB iPod! GAA!]

Sleep, take a nap, That's what I woulda done if my Mum hadn't made meeh tidy.

Watch tv too, Some of the repeated crud isn't too bad, you live in Aus like me, right?

Annoy stressed parents and other relatives by running around the house yelling how many hours and minutes it is til xmas (as in the midnightness)

Draw random crack pictures of your characters cosplaying as the cast of PotC.



I mean, a movie. That takes about two hours xD Play games, go for a walk, tidy your room (may sound weird, but I love tidying my room...) eat stuff, run around your house screaming until you fall asleep, talk to people, -carries on rambling for hours-

I know!

This alwas works...


Do soething fun

Something fun alwas works! Cause when ever you do something ends so soon! =| strange...

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I've just been uptown shopping. On tt and speaking with my parents and helping them choose what outfits their going to wear. I could not get to sleep at all! I got up so early I was excited but I would not be able to conk out. xDD

Oh it's the day before Christmas for me now!!

I'm getting more and more excited. :)

I have an idea for you....wait. o.o It's already Christmas for you now. I guess what I say doesn't matter. xD Oh well. I'll share it for everybody else.

Spend countless hours on TT, watch lots of Christmas movies, and sleep. By the time your finished all that, it'll be bedtime and Christmas will be on it's way. =]

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