Pausing a Tama


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John Len

Well-known member
Aug 3, 2013
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Hey everyone, I just have a question about pausing your tamas, I heard it affect their age or something?mcould someone please explain to me how pausing your tamas works? (Sorry for a noob question)

Your Tamagotchi ages based on the amount of hours it spends being run or the amount of unpaused hours it runs. If you pause your Tamagotchi, it's like you're "pausing" your Tamagotchi in time. So if you're considering the evolution of one of the modern Tamagotchis, for example, it takes 24 hours for your character to evolve from a toddler to a teen. If you pause your Tamagotchi anywhere in between that evolution, it will take 24 hours + the number of hours you had it on pause for it to evolve into a teen. Does this make sense?

Your Tamagotchi ages based on the amount of hours it spends being run or the amount of unpaused hours it runs. If you pause your Tamagotchi, it's like you're "pausing" your Tamagotchi in time. So if you're considering the evolution of one of the modern Tamagotchis, for example, it takes 24 hours for your character to evolve from a toddler to a teen. If you pause your Tamagotchi anywhere in between that evolution, it will take 24 hours + the number of hours you had it on pause for it to evolve into a teen. Does this make sense?
Yes it really does, thanks for the help my friend :)

This is a bit late but just decided I wanted to help...

Yes, pausing your Tamas do make it stop its' growth. Take it from me.

I constantly paused my v4.5 (I hatched it a week ago) the past few days because of school, and it's been so long and it's still a year old.

So if you don't want to stop the growth of your Tamas, don't pause it. Unless you have no choice, like if you have school or work, but if you really don't want to pause, I guess you have to risk your Tama losing its' Health and Happy hearts. It's up to you. I just play it safe. :)

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