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Well-known member
Jul 21, 2004
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Ok so you can pause the thing but when you contnue it. And when you continue, you set the time and date to the current. Won't that affect you tama in any way?

haha i mean not how old he is of course it changes that. I mean like wuill it make him evolve faster or somthing? cause i really don't need that! Or does it just change age but he's really the original age.


Say my Tama is a baby. at age 1. If I change the clock a day a day later, will he be JUS two and i have to wait another day till he's three to change inot a child? Or will he change right after i set the clock a day later?

To pause your tamagotchi you press the middle button to get the clock screen to appear then press the 1st and the last buttons together to set the time. When the clock is on set mode, time won't change so your tama won't do anything and will be paused.

Hope I helped!

Thanks for that. So if i pause it while im at work and then set the time correctly when im finished it will still be the same age as when i paused it?which means it will take longer to grow up?

Yeh it would be the same age as when you paused it. Or you could just set the time in the morning so that it sleeps all day then when you get home from work set it normal time. Then it will still grow at the normal rate.

What do you mean by set the time in the morning?I have tried to make it sleep but im not completely sure how.

Well instead of it being 9am change the time to 9pm so your tamagotchi will sleep throughout the day.

If it is a v.2 you press the buttons A and B together and it will be paused WITHOUT the time stopping.

thats not only for v2 captainunderpants thats for the connection...the time setting thingy is for connexions

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