people are ugh..


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Living in Florida sucks. Really.

This morning when I got on the bus a small group of boys' were like "EW KAREN" And some girls' were like "Hello! Hi!" And stuff being sarcastic, when I didn't respond back they were like "Screw you!" And cussed at me.

You get the idea.

When you live at a place/town that is small (unlike mine) usually you know most of the people and you can say "Hi." and they will answer, usually in a good way. When you live in a big suburban area (like I do), you don't know some of the people and when you say "Hi." they will ignore you, curse at you, or just say, "Don't talk to me."

I guess it depends. People can be mean in their own evil little ways. Wow, that sounded mean. Sorry. :rolleyes:

Over here in El Paso, it's very friendly :( it's a pretty big-ish city, and everyone treats others well. Well, not everyone though. Some people just have their days :)

Bothell is a somewhat ritzy area. People are rich, snobby, and basic common courtesy is to not talk to, look at, or smile at anyone you don't know. Not for danger, but just because there's no point. People don't smile back, they ignore you if you talk to them and if you look at anyone, you get glared at.

In Everett, where I was born people were a bit more friendly, but not as much. Everett is more of a 'dangerous' area so you have to be careful about who you talk to/smile at.

Bothell is a somewhat ritzy area. People are rich, snobby, and basic common courtesy is to not talk to, look at, or smile at anyone you don't know. Not for danger, but just because there's no point. People don't smile back, they ignore you if you talk to them and if you look at anyone, you get glared at.
In Everett, where I was born people were a bit more friendly, but not as much. Everett is more of a 'dangerous' area so you have to be careful about who you talk to/smile at.
Wow...people aren't that snobby where I am. They just ignore. :p

Where I live everyone says hi to everyone. When walking past someone you smile and start a conversation. Once me and my mum were walking my dog and we said hello to an elderly couple and they said hello back and suddenly we were standing talking for 20 minutes to strangers who we'd never met prior to this. We only said our goodbyes when it started to rain.

My mum gets stopped a lot by people admiring our dog.

I was once standing outside a shop with my friend and my doggy and lots of people came over and petted him. (He is a very fluffy ShihTzu/Lhasa Apso so he is very cute). We struck up conversations with each of them.

When in a store or a class room or a library you say hi and the other person says hi and everyone is very friendly. It's lovely.

I love my area. =]

Where I live, most of the time you could be bleeding to death on the street, and no one would give a hoot. :angry:

My state is known as a nice state I've been told. Walking around it's not uncommon to say a polite hello or a smile. I usually give people a nice smile. :}

Well, I hate to brag, but my state is awesome. =P

People are usually pretty polite here, unless you insult their cornbread recipe or stomp on their petunias. =)

Here in my area of South-Western Ontario, It's alright. I usually say hello to any older folks and some of folks who look like they're having an off day so they at least smile for a brief moment :huh:

Usually though I say goodmorning/afternoon/evening or hello when spoken to first.

I have actually been thinking about this a lot. I think that in bigger cities, the reason people don't say hello to everyone they pass is because they'd be saying it every single second. There are just so many people walking past you that you can't say hello to everyone. In smaller towns, it's rarer to walk past someone, so you are more likely to say hello.

I walk home from my swim practice every morning. It's about a half hour to forty minute walk, going mostly on not through streets/little paths or trails. Most of the time I walk home, I don't see anyone, not even someone driving in a car. So whenever I do pass anyone, we usually end up having a conversation (whether I know them or not), because it's unusual to see someone walking around in that area at that time. About a week ago, I had a twenty minute conversation with a grandmother out walking her grandson in his stroller.

A few weeks back, I also had a conversation with some people who moved to my town recently (about four months ago, I think) and they asked me about the schools and stuff (they had little kids and were wondering how everything worked, like how the elementary schools merge into the middle school and if our highschool is actually in our town or the one next to us (It is my town's highschool, but technically most of the land it's on belongs to the other town)) Even if I don't end up having a conversation with someone, we at least say hello, smile at each other, and ask how the other person is. It's considered pretty rude in my town to not even acknowledge someone if you walk past them, whether you know the person or not.

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Ack, where do you live?
Alberta, Canada. Im not ready to give out my city right now, no offense to anyone here. I may give it out someday, if any of you would like to move to a crabby city that would give a two year old "The Finger".

Yuck. :p

haha its kinda funny just messin wit ppl wen im in the city with my friends

lol i kinda figured sumtin out wit most ppl

like if u act all like boyish and like what up yo to like random workers(ups duded,garbage dudes etc) they'll greet u back

now moving on to the woman

i was passing buy a restaurant and there was a table with four woman sitting

i said hii to them

and 2of them just like stared at me like i was retarted

but the other 2were like hey !!! :blink:

that rly cheered me up lol

so i looked back and gave my most biggest smile and they started laughing

i dnt care if it was cuz dey were making funn of me or w/e it still made feel better lol

not that i was down in the dumps or anything i just wantted to get a hello back

hmmn, people are nice to me.

they smile and say hi and ask me how i am ^___^

but when i dress in black, and wear my hair a certain way..

older men (like, 50 +) glare at me like i'm evil.

it's weeeird

but people normally don't ignore me.

Jinx: I think that's because most old people dislike new designs...

I live in the south east of england and well, really, its not the kind of thing to do, by going around and saying hi to random people. xD

I usually don't talk with people I don't know, I find it strange for whatever reason.

I live in A pretty friendly town and my mom somehow manages to strike up conversions with strangers.

I find It really uncomfortable, and when strangers say "Hi" I'll either smile back at them and mutter a "Hi" or walk away.

I get weirded out when people smile or look at me the "wrong" way..

I'm really socially awkward :/

8DOf course it is. Everyone has there faults..some people are just plain rude.
Agreed 100%.

Especially in the case of my city :p

I saw a man kick a dog on a leash not 1 hour ago!

That rests my case.

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