Perfect character-itis?


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kuchipatchi love

Well-known member
May 5, 2007
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New Zealand
What the watatchi??? I keep on getting mimitchis and kuromametchis, all the time, every generation! It;s SO unfairrrrrrrrr.........

really i WISH i got mimitchis and kuromametchis at least once!!! i get maskitchis and tosakatchis!

Yeah, that happened to all my tamas... Until I started neglecting them. Now I have two Gozarutchi! So, start getting them sick, not care for them, stress them out. It'll work! -_-

I only got mimitchi ONCE on my Music Star. Then I started getting bad characters and I put my MS away -_-

I always get Sebiretchis on my music star! Very very angry! :( I never got a Kuromametchi before, so tell me how you raise them. I want a Kuromametchi.

I used to have that exact same problem!

I would always get KuroMametchi and Mimitchi.The problem is,you are taking Perfect care.Try and let its hearts drop and don't flush its poo for a while.

If I do, I feel terrible! I think I have a complex about caring for my tama's and loving them to much, that I give them nothing other than perfect care. But, I got a girl on a even gen, so I will most probably get Chantotchi!!!!!!!!GO CHANTOTCHI!!!

Was it the same on the 1st generation?

Otherwise if its bothering you,

you should reset it

If I do, I feel terrible! I think I have a complex about caring for my tama's and loving them to much, that I give them nothing other than perfect care. But, I got a girl on a even gen, so I will most probably get Chantotchi!!!!!!!!GO CHANTOTCHI!!!
i'm glad yur happy. Chantotchi for once

Hmm.. Don't worry! It just means that you care for your tamas excellently. Though my Tama got its happy hearts all the way down once, and I got Onputchi. And try getting it sick at least once. You might get an almost perfect character.

What the watatchi seems to be your catchphrase :mellow:

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