Pet Snails


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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2008
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Burlington, Ontario, Canada
My sister is keeping 4 garden snails as pets...They're so cute :(

Ive been doing all the research, and you wound'nt believe how many articles there is on pet snail care! A few websites said that they can eat Cat Biscuits. o_O

I put one of my neighbours cat treats in the plastic fish tank...The next morning it was gone!

Snails as pets are a lot of work, Though they are awesome! Their names are:





-------- (neighbour's)





Has anyone else ever had, or wanted a pet snail?

When I was in the 4th grade, me and all my friends at recess would go searching for snails then take them home. xP

I had a few different ones; Snaily, SnailBail, Sticky, Slimey, and Shelly. They were so cute, but even when I took really good care of them, they died after a month or so.

Yea I had a pet snail! It's name was SKITTLES. I fed it broccoli. I set it free though.

Keep them moist, they will live much longer.

I've had Giant Land Snails the size of your palm, seriously. BUT, there was a huge meningitis scare about these guys shortly after I bought them, so I gave them back to the original dealer. He didn't mind the risk, he had tons of them anyway. I'm at risk of exposure to a lot of sicknesses with all the exotics I keep, but meningitis is one of the few diseases that will convince me not to keep an animal. You can rarely get it from hamsters, too. I don't keep hamsters. lol

No, I've never had a pet snail. I don't want them as a pet, not that I don't like them. I just don't think they would suit the way I live and my personality.

I'd much rather have a stick insect or a giant cockroach. ^_^


^^I've had a few species of both of those and they are GREAT pet bugs! Look up Extatosoma tiriarum-Maclay's Spectre Stick. They are the best pet stick bug. For cockroaches, you can't go wrong with Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches, Orange Head Roaches, or Discoid Roaches. lol

No I like snails now but when I was little I threw them on the street lol but there kinda cute now XD.

Erm.. I've never actually consider having snails as pets but I agree with you all: They are cute!:3

If you do own a pet snail, or if you want one, make sure you keep them away from salt, or else they turn into a puddle!


The same goes with slugs. I don't know why!=P

Yups, snails are really, really cute!

I don't have pet snails, though. In fact, I don't have any pets. I'm just not a pet-person. When I was younger, I really did want a worm-farm, though.

*Shivers* Snails are too slimey for me!!! But they didnt used to be! When i was younger, my cousin and I found all the snails that we could from around the garden and put them in a long line at the side of our swimming pool!!! ^_^


Salt makes them melt :blink: ; I havent used it, but its bad.

I will try to upload some pictures of the tank(s) soon.

I need some tips from you fellow TamaTalkers:

I need to keep my snails warmer,

because they are going into an equivelent of hibernation called estivation

Without spending a lot of money, what could I do to keep my snal tank

Hot and humid??

Wow, cool!

I had a snail on my house last month. It didn't move for a few weeks, then I just guess the goo on its body dried up and it fell off. Poor snail, I bet it was too slow to get to some food. Wonder how it ended up all the way near my window!!!

Without spending a lot of money, what could I do to keep my snal tank

Hot and humid??
You could buy a cheap heating pad to stick to the bottom. Or, you could put it on a heater or something, I'm not sure if that's a good idea though .. .

Now, that you talk about them, I do want a snail. They sound cute ^^

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