Pictures of You


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you look like a boy tho
Thats really mean, think before you post.

It doesn't matter what the person looks like, if she's a girl she's a girl.

Just because she has short hair... :furawatchi:

Im sorry, my gran would be upset if I posted a picture of myself.

Maybe I will, maybe I wont.

But for now;

I have long layered dark blonde hair down to my waist.

Bright blue eyes, im skinny. But not too skinny.

And my sckin colour is white. <3

What is up with all the rude comments about Spiffy? Guys, seriously, that is a horrible thing to say and you could really hurt someone's feelings.

Anyways, I'm not allowed to post a pic, so I'll just describe myself.

Ok, let's just say that some people think I'm ugly, some think I'm pretty. So I must be somewhere in the middle.


Everyone please stop making rude commets about Spiffy. If you have something rude to say about Spiffy, don't say it!


me i think

heavily edited :)

my fringe was being a d*** in that photo

*i am not responsible for the pain that was cuased by looking at me*

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Oh my GOSH!


You remind me of Emily Osment and my cousin Alicia! Though she's in 6th grade, and I can't tell what grade you are IN.. but I thought you were her when I looked lol!

Umm, here's a pic of me:

Actually, I have A LOT!

1. <-- Me at the beach with my BFF, I'm the one on the left.

2. <--- The best pic of me in the history of the world!

3. <--- Just taken, when I woke up this morning!! I'm so happy that for ONCE my hair isn't messed up when I wake up.. by the way, I know I look a bit puffy, I look like that in the morning! It makes me look chubby!

4. <---And uh, this is my BFFL 2: Chip (aka, katherine) I call her chip, she calls me COOKIE!!

5.<-- Me and chip walking out of school, she always laughs after I take a picture LOL! umm, I'm in the backround with the dimples buety mark and uh... glasses!

Comment pweez <3

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okay, i found out how. you may be shocked.

i'll probbably remove this later. i'm the one sitting down. that girl in blue leaning over me is my sister....she's a nut and she likes it o_O lol

here you go. i was in my

best regards and all,


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Here's my picture. I'll be taking it down at the end of the day, because I've become a little bit more obsessed with internet safety than I used to be.

Okay, I've taken them off. You can PM me to see them if you really want to.

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