Pictures of your pets!


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Allie, your dog is so cute!!

Sky, I luff your dog. Plus Ed. <33

My dog is silly. He's sleeping now. D:

Hey ppl! Just updated my avvie to my dog. Woot! Wired hair terrier jack russel mix! Just go his haircut! His names is sammy! Woot. :D

Aww. Everyones pets are cute!!! I don't have a pic of my dog but I can describe him:
White terrier jackrussel mix

looks like a sausege. (lol. im serouis!)

light brown spots.

small/medim dog. (Just right size for me! :D )

And thats it! Hes white and his name is sammy.

I used to have a cat but he ran away. :(
That sounds a lot like my dog who got stolen... he was a Jack Russel, brown spots, extremely hyper, very muscular, black spots on his tummy... and his tail was turning brown 'cause he used to bite it so much! Lol. Good times... I miss Bruiser....

I don't yet have a pic of my dog but here's a good description:

He's a Rat Terrior. He's also the runt of the litter. He's three years old (human years) but he's so cute he could pass as a puppy. He has triangle ears that always seem to be back behind is head. His tail is probably the cutest part: it's black with a big, bushy white tip! He has big beady brown eyes and he's black, white, and brown all over.

Here's a couple of cute things about him:

He can't sleep by himself; he always has to sleep curled up next to someone or he won't sleep at all. But sometimes he'll cram himself into the corner of the sofa and sleep there, hugging one of the pillows. (Yes, his paw over the pillow, hugging it.) If he's sleeping in the bed with you and he gets cold, he'll poke at your arm with his nose and scratch at the blanket until you raise it up and he goes right inside the blanked and curls up next to you.

Whenever he hears the doorbell ring, even if it's on the TV, his ears perk up and he runs to the door and whimpers at it. He always begs for food at the table, and can never seem to eat his dog food, with dog treats as an exception.

Whenever you say stuff to him, he sits down, pulls his ears back, and wags his tail. (I don't think I've ever seen that dog with his tail still.) When you talk to him and he sits down, he expects you to pick him up. If you stand really close to him and don't pick him up, he'll use his front paws to claw at your knees and make this adorable little puppy face until you pick him up and carry him around.

He's a cutie.

She doesn't let anyone near her.Snaps at and bites anyone who tries to touch her. Even feeding her is a pain. She just really aggressive D:
Thats what I thought when you mean't she was evil. I was gonna post and quote meowbark and say: She probly bites people.

P.S. My dog a haircut! He's my avatar. He's a Jack russel Tierrier mix. He's cute! <3

This will be hard for me, i have 20 pets!!! Well, i'll say the animals i have...

1 ferret, Mew

Two Guinea Pigs, Latte and Butterscotch

Two birds, Tweets and Hoppy

1 bearded dragon, Buddy

Two fish, color and neon ( duh, a green fish and a neon fish :D )

Two toads, Sweetie and Baby

1 whites tree frog, Cutie

Two hermit crabs, egg and shiny

MY beta fish, Sonic ( he's 11 months old now!!! :D )

6 rabbits, Thumper, Eeyore, Tigger, Snow White, Coffee, and Retsae (....)

Ok, so, there are my pets. The reason why we named one retsae is because my neghbors dog ate my sisters bunny, and his name was Easter. ( they are outside rabbits, they live in hutches ) and wanna know what Easter spelt backwards is? Retsae.

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