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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2007
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I have only 2 piercings, one in each ear. I really want my belly button done with a nice barbell, and my dad is more then willing to take me to get it done, as is most of my family. My mom is the only one with the problem, she was worried that is was a health risk. But we managed to convince her that it was not a health risk, but now she is using the excuse, do you want to be with the "bad" group of people? But it is completly assinine to think that. A piercing says nothing about you, except that you care about yourself even more. The pain is no problem for me, because i dont' care about the pain. I first need somthing to convice her to let me get it done, and i need the piercing laws in New York. I have been trying to find them, but i can't seem too. All help is appreciated.


Your mother is obviously concerned and cares about you.

She's clearly worried that you will do something that you later regret. Even if you don't agree with her, cut her some slack... she's your Mom and she loves you :wub:

There have been a few threads on TamaTalk about body piercing recently - you might want to check them out, they probably have some useful info for you.

Use the Search Engine: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?act=Search

(keyword Piercing) - most recent first is usually the most useful and I would limit the search to (Non) TamaTalk sub forum and Seriously (Non) TamaTalk :furawatchi:

You can also Google Piercing Law / New York, that might yield some results.

I hope you do know that the belly button piercing will require you keep it extremely clean. The slightest bit of germs can cause problems down the road and I've met so many people who had to take theirs out because it was such a high maitenence and it kept getting infected.

Anyway as TM suggested, there's lots of information out there you can look into :)

The best way to find out about piercing law is to get your dad to take you to a reputable piercer in your area. Ask all the questions you want, they will be able to help you with how to properly care for it, what you should look for if you think it may be infected and just about any other concern you may have. If they can't answer these things for you, DONT GET PIERCED AT THAT STUDIO.

I know that your Mum may think that a piercing may give off a message or something, but you aren't going to be walking around with it hanging out all the time. My parents felt the same way about my various piercings but in the end they get over it eventually.

Good luck!

Well here the shops have their own rules about piercings...

One shop wouldn't pierce my nose because I was under 18. xD

Well here the shops have their own rules about piercings...One shop wouldn't pierce my nose because I was under 18. xD
Hm, well thats odd, I don't think they knew what they were talking about. ^_^

Here, in Ontario only genital piercings are 18+ I believe (possibly nipple too).

Everything else is 16+ OR with parental consent.

Hm, well thats odd, I don't think they knew what they were talking about. :p
Here, in Ontario only genital piercings are 18+ I believe (possibly nipple too).

Everything else is 16+ OR with parental consent.
Do you know the laws in New York? I have been trying to find them FOR EVER. My mom claims its 16, and my cousin said she will take me when it is a legal age. But i am 13 now, and i need to know if you can get it done with parental permisson when you are 13.


ps:i think she may be warming up to it ^_^

Your mom cares and doesn't want you to do something you'll regret, but at the same time she will try to help you get a hole on the button on your belly :p

Ask around, and find out if you can get it at all. Then if you get a bunch of different answers, ask someone like the person percing your belly button, if it's a profesional then they will tell you because they should know themselfs! ^_^

All piercing parlors are different when it comes to age.

I got my belly button pierced when I was 12, and also have 28 other piercings.

Most places wouldn't do it because I was under 16, and some because I was under 18.

Only one place let me do it, obviously with parental consent.

It just depends on where you go. In a few states, piercing a minor is considered child abuse/assault on a minor, so it can be hard to find a place who will do it.

I went to place that wouldn't even pierce my lip at 17 because I wasn't 18 :/ It was pretty ridiculous.

A lot of places are iffy about piercing belly buttons on people under 16-18 because your body isn't done developing and growing, so you can end up with a big scar from your skin stretching past the piercing(if that makes sense). Mine didn't because I was actually done growing by then o.o; The only thing wrong with mine is that the hole is a bit bigger than a normal piercing hole would be from weight gain.

It's a nice piercing to have, but it's best for a few reasons to wait until later.

I mean, obviously piercings are a LOT easier than tattoos because you can just take 'em out, but you always have to think ahead with any kind of body modification.

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All piercing parlors are different when it comes to age.
I got my belly button pierced when I was 12, and also have 28 other piercings.

Most places wouldn't do it because I was under 16, and some because I was under 18.

Only one place let me do it, obviously with parental consent.

It just depends on where you go. In a few states, piercing a minor is considered child abuse/assault on a minor, so it can be hard to find a place who will do it.

I went to place that wouldn't even pierce my lip at 17 because I wasn't 18 :/ It was pretty ridiculous.

A lot of places are iffy about piercing belly buttons on people under 16-18 because your body isn't done developing and growing, so you can end up with a big scar from your skin stretching past the piercing(if that makes sense). Mine didn't because I was actually done growing by then o.o; The only thing wrong with mine is that the hole is a bit bigger than a normal piercing hole would be from weight gain.

It's a nice piercing to have, but it's best for a few reasons to wait until later.

I mean, obviously piercings are a LOT easier than tattoos because you can just take 'em out, but you always have to think ahead with any kind of body modification.
Hm...the 12 part shocked me, only because you have to be 16 (Like Mentioned) here...COOL!!

xD Sorry...anyway, I can say no better then TM...she has already said it all!

Um, I just want to let you know that belly button piercings are quite painful. (I'd never get one done because my belly button is veeery sensitive. xD) You say you can deal with the pain, okay. Just know what you are in for.

And as for the issue with your mom, she obviously cares about you. She doesn't want anything to go wrong like you getting an infection, the piercing people making a mistake, people labeling you because of your piercing, etc. I say you should respect her opinions. Maybe you should wait a little while.

If you want to know about ages for the piercing or anything else about belly button piercings, go to the store that does the piercings and ask the employees there any questions you may have.

I have checked a couple sources that states the law says you must be 18 in New York State.

So, obviously you are not old enough. If you really want to pursue it you can always go to various parlors and see what they say. Please make sure it is clean and all that jazz. No re-using needles!

Careful with this one though, bellybutton piercings have a habit of rejecting (your body pushes it out, leaving scars) because it is not an ideal place to stick something into your body. Your tummy moves around a lot.

Other than that I cant warn you against them cause I am kinda addicted to piercings.. enjoy.

i have my belly button peirced and my ears peirced (twice in both ears) im only 12 i think you will be alright as long as you parental consent

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Well, I think that belly button piercings are just gross...but,


I have 6 piercings on my ears, each, and I have my tongue and lip pierced, and that's all I'm interested in getting pierced.


A belly button ring needs extreme care, and I don't have enough patience to clean it. :3


OTherwise, I've had NO infections, and I don't clean my ear lobes either.. I just let them be natural.

Wow, you ppl are lucky I have only 4 piercings 2 on each ear. I'm in grade 6 and i'm 12 and in my school most grade 6 girls have their noses pierced, and there all like 10 or 11. :mametchi: My top ear piercing was done in Ottowa and I surprized my dad and , it was my mom's idea to get the piercing. She is fun most of the time.

I guess you could pierce your navel if you fancy that...but REALLY. I mean when, personally, when i see someone with a belly button piercing, I automatically think THAT'S A BAD JUVENILE DELINQUIT STAY CLEAR OF THEM! (No offense or anything :mametchi: ) You could get one, but the only thing it says about you is that you want to stick a piece of metal where your umbellical cord used to be. I MEAN, your piercings don't determine what kind of a person you are, it just says what kind of person you want people to think of you as. If you want to look like a bad girl, then do it...but don't say i didn't warn u....

Good lux!


I guess you could pierce your navel if you fancy that...but REALLY. I mean when, personally, when i see someone with a belly button piercing, I automatically think THAT'S A BAD JUVENILE DELINQUIT STAY CLEAR OF THEM! (No offense or anything :rolleyes: ) You could get one, but the only thing it says about you is that you want to stick a piece of metal where your umbellical cord used to be. I MEAN, your piercings don't determine what kind of a person you are, it just says what kind of person you want people to think of you as. If you want to look like a bad girl, then do it...but don't say i didn't warn u....
Good lux!

You know despite the crazy amount of cleaning you'd have to do on a navel piercing, the fact you associate that piercing with a bad person image is pretty ignorant. I've met lots of people who have had them and other odd piercings but I don't judge them or see them as bad. It was their choice. I just don't advise getting one since it seems like 4/5 of the people with navel piercings had to take them out due to infection. And infections HURT.

I don't advise ever judging someone's personality or badness as you call it by their looks. It's really shallow IMHO.

You know despite the crazy amount of cleaning you'd have to do on a navel piercing, the fact you associate that piercing with a bad person image is pretty ignorant. I've met lots of people who have had them and other odd piercings but I don't judge them or see them as bad. It was their choice. I just don't advise getting one since it seems like 4/5 of the people with navel piercings had to take them out due to infection. And infections HURT.
I don't advise ever judging someone's personality or badness as you call it by their looks. It's really shallow IMHO.
Unfortunately it's what's known as a streo type TigerLily013 (we did those in school last year lol). People associate lots of piercings with bad people and it's just not true. If I was to see someone with a lot of piercings it would probably scare me at first. Maybe that's more with the thought of why would you go through so much pain for that.

Personally I believe a belly button piercing should wait a while. I think you're a bit young and at your age you might not find someone who will do it. I only have my ear lobes pierced and I'm happy with that. It'll be very painful and a lot of work. I personally don't know anyone of my own age (12 nearly 13) who has there belly button or anything besides their ears pierced.

Think about it carefully. You may have already but maybe you should again.

ST :rolleyes:

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