Piercings And Tattoos


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I only have my ears done at the moment but I want to get my nose and lip peirced.

I want a tattoo, but I'll only get one when I think of something that is really meaningful to me.

I only have triple piercings in each ear.. I pierced my own cartilage but then I let it close up . I wanna get my eyebrow done. I was thinking of doing it myself, but I don't have a clamp which sucks.

As for tats, I'm definitely getting some . I was thinking song lyrics up and down my one of my sides . that would be so sexy .

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I had my ears done when I was 16, but I fainted and now I'm too afraid to have any more piercings done XD

I don't think I would ever get a tattoo- I feel like they might look nice when you're young, but they tend to go murky and faded over years and I feel like I'd seriously regret it.

If I DID, it would have to be one big enough not to look like a dirty smudge from a distance. Something like butterfly or dragonflies/ or just their wings on my back :p

Lobes: 2ga (goal is four inches)

second holes: 4ga (goal is around half an inch. No; Not a inch and a half!)

third hole:14ga... I need to invest in some new 12ga pinchers.. :p I lost all the o-rings and one plug...

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