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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2006
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somewhere :P
I have 2 piercings on each of my ear lobes, i just got my 2nd holes done on each ear about 2 weeks ago :D

I really want my belly button pierced, and my parents said i could in October, when summer ends! YES! I just need to do a few sit-ups and ill have a nice flat tummy for it =P I think belly piercings are so pretty.

What about you guys? what piercings do you have?

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I've only got one piercing and thats on my ears. I do actually were earrings quite often. Thats the only girly thing I about like. Lol

None. I wouldn't mind my ears being pierced but I just don't feel the need. Also, when people know you have your ears pierced, they buy you earrings. I DO NOT WANT. Art supplies! Art supplies! Not earrings >___>

i have 2 one im my right ear

an the left ear.That makes easy

sense.lol :)

i have one pierce on each earlobe.

my older sister has two piercings on each of her earlobes.

I have my lip peirced... only the right side on my bottom lip xD

i had my ears peirceds.. but i got rid of them..

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I have my ears pierced (singles) and did get my lip pierced (left side, bottom lip) and my right eyebrow, but I took both facial piercings out within the past couple of months... I'm going to school for dog grooming and I'd rather take them out than a dog doing it. :) And, besides that, the sad truth is people judge based on appearance and, if I want to get a job and eventually my own business, I have to look the part...

That's why tattoos are better, you can "hide" those and they're more creative. :(

I have my earlobes pierce one on each side. I would love to get my cartilage pierced but my mom won't let me.

I Wanna Get My Belly Pierced, But My Mom Said ''Not Until Your Sixteen''Plus I Have A Fear Of Needles
Ouchie....Belly piercing?!Are you crackers? Ouch! o.o

When I think about it I feel the pain....*faints*

PS. I only got my ears pierced.I barely ever wear earrings XD !


I just have 1 pair of holes. I want to get my belly button pierced when I'm older (like 18 xD), but nothing else.

Why in Heaven's name do you like belly button peircings?!

o.o' *faints*


I have always wanted a cartalige pierceing but I thought it would hurt><
It really depends on if you're sensitive or not. :angry:

Since no freezing was involved, I was pretty scared. But It was actually okay! :angry:

Hey, everyone has their own Opinions. :wub: Belly-Button Piercings are something some people may want, and others may not. But, we are all entitled to our own thoughts.


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