Pixel Chix?


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O,O i was about to post one of these topics abour pixle chicks -cough- good thing i waited :D

a pixel chick is a 2D girl living in a 3D world. thats what it says anyway.its like a girl who lives in this sort of house.

they seem ok to me, but im against buying it. it seems really girlish to me and its like a copy of tamagotchis

I know what a pixel chix is. its sorta a human version of tamas. The only difrences are: 7 buttons, no shop, go out, they are ppl, theres a yes and no button, it wears cloths, no passwords, no codes, cant transform, no generations, no marage, they play musical instruments, no friendslist, when you connect with somebody new, u lose all ur stuff.

there fun! u can make her go out in her PJ's and in the background, u can here ppl laughing at her! lol.

i have a pixel chick i hate them all they do is make wierd noises and tamas r way better but thats only my opinion

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It's sort of boring and a waste of money from my opinion.

I have a pixel chick its ok but alot of money.I don't think they are coping tamagotchis. :ichigotchi:

one of my friends has one and when i went to her house once she left it on the bed and u know when there are cobwebs everywhere and there is a ghost? well it was like that and i was by myself and i heard the ghost and i got scared it is now in her wardrobe cos she got bored with it B)

In my opinion, the Pixel Chix thing looks like something that's very "geeky" or "loser-ish" to buy.

Heck, I'd only ever get one just to see what it looks like when neglected or dying, I'd then take pictures of it and post them on my MSN Space.

I do not have one cause they are stupid. I started a poll in tamagotchi cousins to see if people liked them more then tamas. Please vote they're, I want to know. Please vote on my other poll about dinkie dinos too, even if you don't know what they are.

Well the house is a bit boring but I recently just got the mall and I take it EVERYWHERE with me!!! I love her and she is one of my best friends and I play with her all the time and she is sooo cute and fun and cool and nice! -_-

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