Plagiarism , Stealing.


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* Hikarii *

Well-known member
Dec 29, 2007
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I'v been on many site , many forums. On everyone of them at least one person would be stealing things in my signature or an avatar that I made. They would claim it as their own or not give credit. Plagiarism and stealing annoys me a lot. It probably annoys a lot of people here to , correct? I haven't been on this site long , so I don't know what its like, I don't know what kind of people roam the boards. I made this topic to sincerely ask people not to steal my stuff , nor anyone else's stuff. ( Avatars , Signature goods , etc. ) I've recently been looking for a site ( besides Myspace ) that is suited and fit for the the keeping of my interest. You see how desperate I am that i've come to Tamagotchis. Though I'm a bit old for this .However, I can't continue to be here if we have the problem of " false claiming " and stealing. You see , I have alot of creativity when it comes to computers. I'd like to show it off a little bit, you know ? But I can't do that if i'm scared someone is gonna take it the moment I put it out there.

I have faith that Tama Talk is better than that , right ? Ok , I though i'd have this talk. Thanks for listening... um, reading. It means alot to me that you care. THANK YOU.

- Hikarii

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I haven't seen it yet .. Sorry about that. I make mistakes. I remember one time I was driving and .. * looks at Ca-Candy's signature * HEY! No need to become off topic , but your shayshay ? Right? anyways , sorry. I actually put alot of time into writing this , so if you dont mind ... x] Yea,... Hey , PM me , why don't ya. I'd like to talk to you. ok ? o ok , back on topic. My bad. Like I said. Really sorry shay shay Ca candy.

I haven't either. And I am very thankful for that .. Thank you Tama Talk. It indeed is very serious. Not just the kind of stealing in stores like shoplifting , but stealing ideas and claiming them as your own.

Your right, plagarism and stealing makes me mad. I'm not going to say any names, but I saw someone on here who took my avvie D=<

[SIZE=7pt]It's a good idea to put your signature or name in drawings or anything else people might steal.[/SIZE]
It's only considered stealing if they took an avatar YOU made, not one that you got off an avatar site. If it was one off an avatar site, it doesn't count because those avatars are open for everyone to use.

I have seen alot of stealing around tamatalk; in the roleplay section. Looking up pictures on google/photobucket randomloy without even telling whoever made it is stealing.

It's only considered stealing if they took an avatar YOU made, not one that you got off an avatar site. If it was one off an avatar site, it doesn't count because those avatars are open for everyone to use.
Or signature text.

A lot of the things in signatures that people 'make up' have been done over and over by people before them. Sig text I don't believe counts as plagiarism.

It does make me quite mad. But the whole "COPYRIGHT TO ME DO NOT STEAL EVAR" makes me more mad, actually n___n'

It's like that with art. On dA everyone puts "ZOMG NU WAY NU STEAL!" I don't put that. I simply either put Crow in the corner or nothing. If someone can be big enough jerk to steal I have people that I know would be like "HEYY!!!" type of thing. I have had to do that with some people even on TT (No names. I will not PM them either sorry ;])

It's annoying, but if you don't make a big deal about it, the world will be a better place.

kthanks bye.

Ya, i had this friend(whos not really my friend anymore) who would steal my lunch money from my locker. ;) Just so i wouldnt have money for lunch! this happened for like probably 5 days(not in a row, so thats good). So until I started putting my money in my pencil box and keeping it with me in class, my money was safe. And after i did that, my 'friend' kept on asking me where my lunch money was. Shes so bad. She also stole money from my BFF. My best friend said that shes going to grow up to be a thief.

I've seen everybody copy everyone's siggy like this:





















xx Chrissy
I find that different, just because one person did it, doesn't mean others cant. Besides, that idea was made up before Tamatalk was ever invented.

If you created the images yourself and someone uses them without permission, then it is considered stealin'. I have seen so many people use the same Pikachu slaapin' Pikachu image online.

I don't like it when people use other people's artwork they find on DA as their RP character. If someone drew it for you, then it's understandable.

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