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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2007
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Ok... so I was at shool today and we were late getting out. I almost missed my bus, and then on the bus I realized I left my tama in my desk, unpaused. It is an adult kuchipatchi, third generation, about to get the matchmaker. Do you think it will live? I get to my desk @ around 8:40. That's about 18 hours. CHANCES ARE SLIM, BUT I MIGHT GET LUCKY.

Don't quote me on this but I'm pretty sure it will live. Some of my Tamagotchi have been through really tough times with me and they still were alive. If I were you, I'd be more concerned about whether your Tamagotchi will be there tomorrow. Don't worry though...I'm sure it will be! Have faith...all will be well! Hope this helped! :)

Hmm, I'm pretty sure it will live.

One time, I left my Tamagotchi on the bus, and when I got on the bus the next morning, it was fine. The hungry and happy hearts were down and it had a whole bunch of poop, but it was ok.

Thank you!! I thought it might, especially because it's an adult and can mostly take care of itself, and my desk is a pretty safe place for my tama to be. the only people that go in are my class, that i've known for 3 years, the janitor, and my teacher. The janitor only picks up stuff from the floor. Thank you for replying, as you have given me hope.

No need to thank me. xD

Soo, yeah, I'm pretty sure it will be fine. As long as you know where it is. And you do. You said it's on your desk. So if it stays there, and nobody touches it, you'll be able to get to it and it will be fine. [maybe if it's not on your desk ask to go the lost and found]
