please help


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Jan 20, 2005
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ya im new ;) lol anyways..i need help on raising a tamagotchi into a gozaritchi, how do u do that? and oh ya whats with this breeding thing? o_O

I have no clue but a lot of people know about this stuff on this website.

hm...i c whell maybe someone will help me >.< i hope

You can get a Gozarutchi if you are a bit neglectful about taking care of it. Meaning, letting it drop a few hunger or happy hearts and not cleaning up its poo right away.

Hope that helps ! ;)

ok so what kind of tamagotchis do you people have? i have marutchi right now >.>

thanks for your help im going try that tommorow oh wait does it have to be a ceratin weight or anything like that?

i can be a gozarutchi with high weight it can also be it with small weight just be sure to neglect it if u want those good ones be sure to look at it every 5 minutes!! thats y i pause it when i got to school

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you just have to negect it and you will get one. i have an itchigotchi right now.

to get a gozarutchi you have to be on an even generation and be pretty neglectful. Alot of people start off with them or Masktchi.

Breeding is when your Tama has babies!

If you're new check out my not done but still good site:Tama-Planet

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i started on my first generation and i had marutchi, ichigotchi, and now hanatch

I had a gozarutchi! 2nd generation. he was cute. i got him on accident :rolleyes:

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