Please pray for my mother, in the hospital


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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2011
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This morning my dad jolted me awake (around 9, I thought I would be able to sleep til 10) and told me to get my bum out of bed, we're going to the hospital. I asked why, he said my mom was bringing my sister to the SATs this morning, and "didn't feel well".....

Well, I know my mom. She works in a doctor's office. She's seen horrible injuries, diseases, she knows what's happening when certain symptoms present themselves. Well, my mom has gotten hives so bad before that her whole body swelled up and she could hardly breathe. For that she didn't go to the hospital. She just took medicine and went to bed.

So I know this time it has to be bad, because my mom is not one to spend thousands of dollars to go to the hospital just for a little illness. I asked my dad what's wrong, but he won't tell me. And now my mom accidentally took BOTH cars' keys when she left for the SATs, so we can't go to the hospital now. Apparently we have to wait for her to call. Meanwhile, I'm praying for her and drawing cheerful pictures of budgies (she loves budgies, and pictures of mine make her so happy).....I just hope whatever is wrong with her mends itself quickly.

Aaaand for those of you who know how to, please send her lots of blue energy. You know what I mean.

Thank you.

I will update later when I find out what happened.

I hope your mother gets better. <3

I'll definitely pray for her!

Hey thanks everyone. I feel bad asking for prayers, but it is sad what happened.

My mom was driving and she felt extremely dizzy. Her heart rate went up through the roof, 192/110 (Not sure what that means) and her throat started closing up. She could hardly breathe and she drove herself to the hospital. The cardiologist hasn't checked on her yet, so we're not sure exactly what happened, but it's definitely something with her heart that went wrong.

I do send my thoughts and wishes, but;

I'm not trying to be horrible, but do you mind if I share my experiences as well? My mother has been in and out of hospital for a majority of my life, for tests and scans - she hardly goes out 'cause of shame, people judge her - they say that she should 'cut down on the food' but it's the medication that keeps her alive that makes her like that. Plus, she was told last year she might pass away - that passed, but she apparently has cancer - that I don't believe.

But, she's recovering, fortunately. But, I wish you well for your mother and I hope a steady recovery :)

And send her my thoughts too olol

I do send my thoughts and wishes, but;

I'm not trying to be horrible, but do you mind if I share my experiences as well? My mother has been in and out of hospital for a majority of my life, for tests and scans - she hardly goes out 'cause of shame, people judge her - they say that she should 'cut down on the food' but it's the medication that keeps her alive that makes her like that. Plus, she was told last year she might pass away - that passed, but she apparently has cancer - that I don't believe.

But, she's recovering, fortunately. But, I wish you well for your mother and I hope a steady recovery :)

And send her my thoughts too olol
Awwwww. I hate how people judge. But it IS partially my mom's fault....she let herself get a bit overweight, and she stressed her body. She stopped going for daily walks with the dog, and she started going to tons of auctions and she's selling furniture from them. She makes plenty of money, but all the furniture in the house is really cramping us and she gets more stressed by that. But my mom isn't on any medication, except for garlic pills, which keep her immune system in check. But I'm so sorry your mom has cancer.....I wish her a speedy recovery too.

Aw, I will remember to include your Mama in my prayers. :) Hopefully, if we all stay positive, she should recover. Good luck!

Thanks for all your kind wishes.....

Apparently my mom is still having these attacks.

To clarify, there is some kind of "electrical problem" with her heart that's completely genetic, nothing to do with her weight or diet or anything. Also she had 2 more "attacks" when I was with her, and went to the hospital again. Stress is causing some of it, but there's going to be an event monitor she'll carry around in case it happens again.

And she didn't tell me this....I heard it over the phone while she was talking to a friend, which worries me more and it really irritates me.

And now I apparently have "severe anxiety" I'm not actually feeling. I don't feel stressed or anxious, but when I think about being stressed, I get severe fatigue, eye pain, dizziness, and blurred vision. YAY FOR ME.

But I'll be fine...I've done some aura cleansing to myself and for the most part I'm all better ;)

But we'll see about my mom....I might try healing her too.

Thanks for the good wishes, again. My mom is doing sooo much better. She has a heart monitor that she'll turn on in case she has another "episode", and of course nothing has happened since she put it on :p

Anyway, we think she'll be fine, so no worries!!

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