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You have to be on the second (edit: even numbered) generation for starters, let its hungry and happy hearts go down all the way once or twice while a teen, but full training and good care otherwise. It helps if you had a good parent in the first generation.

On connection version 2 though, there's so many characters that you might not wind up one on the first try.

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Not to sure what you're asking :wub: Memetchi is an adult tamagotchi...the teen will evolve into an adult one after three days

huh I've had my teen for 3 days and it's not an adult :)
Have you been pausing it? If you have been, at night, then it's going to take longer for your teen to evolve.

When it's shows up at four years old, on the Statistics screen, s/he should evolve sometime that day. oo

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