Please, someone, help me


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Mar 29, 2006
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I used to play with tamagotchi when I was in the 3rd or 4th grade! I loved them! But I guess my tastes changed as I grew up and forgot about them. Well, recently, I realized that I missed tamagotchi. Just about that same time a commercial for the Tamagotchi Connections v3 came on the televisio. Oddly convenient. Anyway, I'm getting off the subject.

I bought one, I have it now. She's a toddler. I'm having problems.

She, ironically named Happy, isn't. But she's bouncing around the screen like everything's okay. I mean, she has NO happy hearts at all. I try to play games with her, but she won't let me. The only thing that makes her happy is eating snacks. I don't want to spoil her. What do I do to make Happy...happy?

your tama will not play games unless it's over 2 pounds heavier then it's minimum weight.

Yep, just feed her some snacks to get the weight up. They won't play if they are too thin. Welcome back to Tamagotchi. There are a lot of stories like yours. People who used to have tamas, stopped playing then after a while, started to miss the little guys.

I used to play with tamagotchi when I was in the 3rd or 4th grade! I loved them! But I guess my tastes changed as I grew up and forgot about them. Well, recently, I realized that I missed tamagotchi. Just about that same time a commercial for the Tamagotchi Connections v3 came on the televisio. Oddly convenient. Anyway, I'm getting off the subject.
I bought one, I have it now. She's a toddler. I'm having problems.

She, ironically named Happy, isn't. But she's bouncing around the screen like everything's okay. I mean, she has NO happy hearts at all. I try to play games with her, but she won't let me. The only thing that makes her happy is eating snacks. I don't want to spoil her. What do I do to make Happy...happy?
When you say that she won't let you... does she say no and shake her head??? If this is the case you have an opportunity to pick up a training point by punishing your tama. She'll cry and won't be really happy about it but you will get the training point and you will then be able to play games rather than feed her snacks to make her happy... :angry:

Oh okay! :-D Thanks for all the help everyone. One more question: how long are tamagotchis supposed to sleep? Do I need to worry about mine going back to her home planet in the night while I sleep?

Thanks again!!!

No, it won't go anywhere while it's sleeping, except when the parent leaves the baby.

They sleep from 8-10:15 to 8-10 in the morning, depending on what character you have.

  No, it won't go anywhere while it's sleeping, except when the parent leaves the baby.

They sleep from 8-10:15 to 8-10 in the morning, depending on what character you have.
Okay, great! That works really well for me! Thanks!

Well, if she doesn't want to play games and just wants to eat snacks... Happy is a lazybones or she's acting selfish. That happened to me once, and I had no idea what to do! But that was in 2005, in June, when I just got a V1 tamagotchi. I didn't know anything, not even what I was supposed to do with the buttons!!! But then after my tama was a baby boy for half an hour, I got how to turn out the lights and feed it and clean up it's poop. Then, when it turned into a Hinotamatchi, I thought it had a tama virus or something, it looked SO cute, but at the same time, pointy.

And now, I realized that the V3 batteries die more quickly. My V3's batteries are already low, and I'm only on Generation3!

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