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You're still not done with chapter six yet? Wow. I started a chapter in the book I'm writing (not posted on TT due to stupid fears put in my head by my mother that someone might steal the story idea), actually, a little after you started writing your sixth chapter, and I recently finished it! And it took me, like, four months to write the chapter before that (but I've been writing a lot more lately...this chapter only took me about a month to finish...). Anyway, hope you're almost done!

You're still not done with chapter six yet? Wow. I started a chapter in the book I'm writing (not posted on TT due to stupid fears put in my head by my mother that someone might steal the story idea)
Actually, someone might steal your idea. It's usually a good idea to not post your stories on the internet so people won't steal it. A lot of publishers also won't post stories that were posted on the internet, because they can't be sure who wrote it, if anyone stole it, etc.

Your story sounds great so far, Wine_Deer!

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Gosh, this is a popular topic! Wow. *hands Wine_Deer a brand new laptop for writing on. And a third generation Ipod nano so she can whistle while she works. And some more snacks!*

*off-topic* How did you come up with the username Wine_Deer, anyway?

I don't know if there is a title yet, but how about [SIZE=17pt]The Bird Girl[/SIZE]?
//mame ;)
BTW, sorry for double post, but why would it be called the bird girl????? She controls water...and that has to do with birds...?

Actually, someone might steal your idea. It's usually a good idea to not post your stories on the internet so people won't steal it. A lot of publishers also won't post stories that were posted on the internet, because they can't be sure who wrote it, if anyone stole it, etc.
Your story sounds great so far, Wine_Deer!
*Sorry, tripple post* Ya, that's what I thought, too. But, still, why would anyone steal someone else's story? It's so mean! Well, I suppose there are a lot of mean people in this world. There were several times when I thought of haveing an RP topic that kinda follows the plotline of my story, but I know a few people that actually get story ideas from RP topics...*coughcough*

Chapter 3

“Alright, I got the list right here!” Mr. Jones said in his hoarse voice, holding up some papers, after 10 minutes of searching. “When I call your name, you will come up here and I will tell you what class you are in and what room you are to go to.” Everybody was silent and a bit worried. “Tonya Brookfield.” He said, just like the first day. When Tonya went up there, he said, “You will be in C3, which is ‘Abilities that Affect Height of Any Kind’. Now leave.” Tonya walked out, looking confident. Mr. Jones continued, telling all the kids their rooms and what the class is. Skye was in C3 like Tonya. After Rock left to go to A4, for ‘Communication of Animals’, Olive wasn’t surprised to hear Mr. Jones’ hoarse voice say her name. “You are in C2; the class is ‘Affect to Nature’. Now go on, don’t be late!”

“’K.” Olive murmured, hurrying to her classroom. She hadn’t thought about the kind of kids she would be dealing with until she was outside of her classroom. “I can deal with whatever is in there. Yeah, I am good enough!” and with that last positive note, Olive walked in the classroom.

It was a normal classroom. Kids sitting in their desks, some had a pile of dirt on a tray in front of them and they were staring at it, not paying her any attention, some had a seed on the floor, and some had some flowers in front of them. The teacher was watching them and paid no attention as Olive sat down in a desk next to a boy who seemed a bit depressed. “Hi, I’m Olive. What’s your name?” Olive said. The boy didn’t reply. “Ok then, nice to meet you.” She said quickly. “So what’s your gift?” she said positively. He motioned to her desk. The fly that was on her desk was now the size of an elephant. Olive screamed, and, as if it was instinct, she turned on the sink and made the water spray the fly, just like what happened to Skye, except harder. The boy, wide eyed, turned the fly back to normal. Olive immediately stopped the water and walked to her soaked desk.

“Sweet.” The boy said. “Oh by the way, Daniel is the name. And you can obviously see what my sucky power is.”

“Oh it’s not sucky. I find it very… protective. Please, don’t shock me like that again…” Olive laughed. “Wait! You talk?”

“Yeah, but I’m kinda shy.” Unless Olive’s eyes were deceiving her, which never happened, Daniel actually turned a shade pink. The teacher walked over to Daniel and Olive.

“Olive Otelia, my name is Mrs. Greenfinch. I know what your power is and I wanted to welcome you to the classroom. Here is a bowl of water.” She put a bowl of water on Olive’s desk. “Please practice your gift, tomorrow we will present what we can do. Now if you will excuse me, that bird over by the window is hungry.” Mrs. Greenfinch walked over to the window with some bird food and opened the window, beginning to make sounds that sounded a bit like a whistle.

“I really hope you can tell what her gift is. If not, you need some serious help, my friend.” Daniel joked.

“Yeah, she can open windows.” Olive said sarcastically. “Well better get started on practicing.” She said, staring at the bowl of water. A grin spread across her face.

“What are you-?” Daniel started. A bit of water had splashed on his face. Olive burst out laughing.

“That’s what you get for the elephant fly!” she said between laughs. Daniel had a look on his face that, in a way, said, “Unfair!”


A boy with brown hair stared up at the ceiling. "Why?" He murmured. "Why did she have to go?" His green eyes grew wet with tears. He was Dustin Tines. A girl that he had secretly liked was gone. Olive Otelia was the girl's name. He whispered her name through tears.

Olive had disappeared after her trip to the beach.

"She is gifted." said her father, when Dustin asked him where she was. "She has gone to a school with.... others like her."

"Sir, what is the address?" asked Dustin.

"I can't say. I apologize." replied Olive's father. And that was that.

The next morning, Dustin awoke. He sighed. He was being a wimp. So he told himself as he walked to his closet. There were more fish in the sea, right? Dustin observed his clothes, and chose one that had a dragon on it.

"Hmm...." He looked at himself in the mirror and gasped. His hair.... it was red! He screamed. Dustin's mother, Angela, came running up the stairs.

"WHAT IS IT? ARE YOU OK?!?" she screamed.

"MOM! MY HAIR! IT’S...... RED!" Dustin replied, quite panicked.

She looked at him and her face grew angry.

"Dustin, stop this nonsense!" Dustin turned back to the mirror. His hair was normal. Brown, and messed up.

"But mom-!" he started.

"Dustin, don't lie to me! You scared my half to death!" she said angrily. She stomped down the hallway outside of Dustin’s door.

"But, I could have sworn...." He trailed off.

Back to St. Bonteys…

Olive practiced and practiced, but she couldn’t make more than a small wave happen in the water. Many times she had to take a break and clear her mind with the thought of the ocean by her house.

“It’s OK,” Daniel tried reassuring her, “It takes a little time to make amazing things happen. Like…like this!”

Before Daniel did anything, Olive quickly said, “Umm I don’t think a demonstration is necessary.” And after 5 minutes of pure thoughts concentrated only on the ocean, she decided to calmly try again. She stared at the water, concentrating only on a large wave of water forming, but not one droplet of water goes out of the bowl. She closed her eyes for a moment, concentrating on what it would look like and when she opened her eyes, it happened.

The exact wave she had been concentrating on happened. It slowly backed up, rising up and crashed down on the small layer of water still in the bowl. It was exactly like a wave at the beach, and not a drop of water was out of place. Olive smiled and tried it again. It worked. The wave was exactly the same as before.

“Finally!” Olive exclaimed, after doing it a third time. “I can do it!”

“Sweetness.” Daniel grinned.

After class, Olive waited for Skye to come out from C2, because the teacher was holding them up a little late. When Skye finally came out, Olive smiled at her.

“How was your class?” Skye asked, walking with Olive to the Cafeteria for lunch. “Mine was OK but the teacher talks WAY too much. And, you wanna know what his gift is? His sweat, it’s animal attraction!!” she stuck out her tongue and rolled her eyes. “He thinks it’s cool.”

“Woooow.” Olive said plainly. “Mine was actually, pretty good. I made a new friend, his name is Daniel-”

“Wait!” Skye interrupted. “Is his gift making bugs much bigger?”

“Yes… what of it?” Olive asked with a suspicious look on her face.

“You got along with Downy Daniel?! Did he talk to you?” Skye seemed very excited.

“Yeah he is really nice… he is just shy that is why he doesn’t talk much. Also, he doesn’t really like his gift.” Olive explained.

“What is it?” Skye asked.

“Uh…” Olive wondered. “I’m not sure he wants me to tell.”

“Oh. Come on, I don’t want everybody to hog the baloney sandwiches.” Skye pulled her to the cafeteria. When they were in line she asked, “So, what did you do in class? We just got lectured and lectured about how we should use our gifts are so special.”

“We just practiced our gifts. Tomorrow we will present it.” Olive snatched the last ham sandwich and put it on her tray.

“Erm, is it me, or is Rock watching us?” Skye looked suspiciously behind them out of the corner of her eye.

“Really?” Olive turned around but Skye turned her back halfway. “What?!”

“Look out of the corners of your eyes or he will see!” Skye warned.

“So-rry!” Olive said. Out of the corner of her eyes, she looked at Rock and sure enough, he was staring at them, watching their every move. Well, more like, Olive’s every move.

“Oh my god! I think he likes you!” Skye was star struck. “Second day here and you already have an admirer!

“No way! We barely know each other. All I know about him is his name and gift.” Olive was refusing to think that somebody liked her. “I just came here because my mom told me. Not for anything else.”

“Well then, this is a bonus!” Skye laughed, sitting down next to her. Olive rolled her eyes and bite into her ham sandwich. Chef walked outside the cafeteria and came over to Olive and Skye.

“Olive, may I speak to you?” Chef asked. She had an anxious face, and apparently what Chef wanted to tell Olive was urgent.

“Sure go ahead.” Olive said.

“Erm, can we speak in private?” Chef seemed to get even more anxious by the second.

“Ok. Just me?” Olive asked, getting up. Chef looked at Skye.

“You can tell her later. Now I need to speak to you, and you alone.” Chef pulled Olive into the kitchen. Passed the ovens, passed the freezer, passed the refrigerator and into a door. It was Chefs dorm.

I've just read through your chapters again, and the bit I've highlighted red doesn't make sense.

It doesn't make sense because Skye just said "Is his gift making bugs bigger?" and Olive replies yes, (by the way, Olivia is quite a nice name too) and then Skye asks what his gift is.

Lol ;)

Best Wishes


Chapter OneOlive slipped in mysteriously, as if nothing had happened, though a lot had happened. She coolly sat down at her desk, which was far from the others. Her mom had sent her to this academy of the gifted, thinking she would feel closer to her surroundings, including the people. But really, she couldn't feel any farther away. It had all started last week when she was at the beach. It was a hot day and Olive was having a blast swimming in the water. It was pretty steady, but she wanted some waves to swim against. She only thought about it for about 2 seconds when a giant wave came on. Though Olive convinced herself it was only a coincidence she was still suspicious. When she saw somebody surfing, she grasped her chance. She concentrated on a huge wave for the surfer, just big enough that he could surf it. For some odd reason, she could just tell what kind of waves he could surf. That's when it happened. The wave Olive had been thinking about had come right when he got to the location it would form. It looked exactly like the one she had imagined. Scared, Olive swam to shore and demanded her mother tell her what happened.

Her father, Odus, had been gifted by a fairie of the water. She, Olive Oceana Otelia, had the gift of controlling the ocean. Knowing this day would come, her mother, Obioma Ofra Otelia, had her sent to St. Bonteys, a school for the gifted. Unhappily, Olive obeyed her mom's orders and went. It was now her first day, and she knew nobody. She missed her old friends, family, and most of all, the ocean next to her house. She always went there and that was her place that she could go and all her stress would disappear as she would breathe in that salty smelling ocean air. Covering her face, she allowed a tear to dribble down her face and splash onto the desk, and for a moment, Olive could see a wave of the ocean in her head. She begged for it to stay, but it was just a small bit of her happy memories at that beach. Drifting away in her memories, she barely heard the bell ring, as class had just begun. A man with a face that had tentacles walked in.

“My name is Davy Jones. Call me Mr. Jones.” He said in his hoarse voice. “Normally, I would send you to a certain room, based on your… gift. Today, however, I want you to stand up when I call your name and share what you can do. Tonya Brookfield.” A brown haired girl with freckles stood up.

“I can jump to unusual heights.” Then she sat down. Olive bit her lip, closed her eyes tightly, and hoped with all her might that the main office had made a mistake and didn’t put her name on the list.

She listened to everybody, but what really made her eyes open was when she heard somebody stand up and say “I can fly.”

Olive had always wanted to know what it felt like to fly. It was a red-haired girl, who was beginning to rise in the air. She was obviously unaware of it until Mr. Jones said

“Thank you, Skye.” That was when Skye realized that and came back to the ground. “Maybe, like mom said, I will make a friend here…” Olive thought. For the next bunch of kids she heard some strange powers. The boy next to her, apparently named Rock, had told the class that he can talk to hummingbirds.

“Olive Otelia.” She heard a familiar hoarse voice say. Nervous, Olive stood up and said quickly,

“I can control water.” As soon as she said that, a ripple of whispers crossed the room. Olive couldn’t hear what they were saying, so she didn’t know what to make of it. If it was good, bad, creepy or common. She sat down, and listened to the other students. When the bell rang, everybody rushed to the doors, except for Olive and Skye. Olive was planning on approaching Skye, but instead, it was vice-versa. Skye smiled nervously and said

“I think your gift is cool. I never even knew anybody could have that gift.”

“Thanks,” replied Olive “Your gift is cool too. Flying is great, at least, so I think.”

“It’s OK, but once you get used to it, it’s just like riding a new bike. It’s fun for a while, but then you only use it when you need it. I found out I could fly about 2 months ago. When did you find out? You know, about your gift.”

Olive looked her in the eye and said, “1 week ago. How old are you?”

“Ouch. Shocker finding out that you’re gifted huh? I’m 12. You?”

“I’m 12 too.” Olive ignored the first statement. “Erm, what do we do now?” Olive and Skye had begun walking together.

“Follow me.” Skye said, taking her hand and pulling her through the crowded corridor.

“Here we are!” Skye said with sarcastic glee, opening the door to a plain bedroom with 6 beds. “We get to pick the bedroom we stay in. Don’t worry boys have the right corridor and we have the left.” She reassured Olive, seeing her worried face. “You can sleep next to me if you like. Girls are about to come running in here wanting one of the beds here. So we gotta pick first.” Skye informed her, putting her bag on a bed.

“Why is this bedroom so popular?” Olive asked her, putting her bag on a bed by the window, next to Skye’s.

“Look outside.” Both girls looked outside and saw an amazing, beautiful view of the mountains, pond, trees, and hiking routes outside.

“That is so ama-” Olive didn’t get time to finish. About 12 girls came stampeding in, claiming beds. It lasted about 3 minutes before disappointed looking girls, yet still pretty cheerful, filed out. For a moment, there was a peaceful silence, and then the clamor spread through the room. Olive, staying silent, unpacked her clothes from her bag into the dresser next to her bed.

When she was done, she rummaged through the rest of her stuff, which was toiletries, books, pencils and a notebook, her diary, and a picture of Olive with her mom in front of the ocean on the beach. Only Olive knew that hidden in that frame was a picture of a boy she liked before she moved near the ocean. His name was Dustin Tines, with light brown hair and green eyes. She knew he liked her, but they didn’t want to admit it. She put the photo on the dresser and lay on her bed, resting from the journey from her house, to here. Closing her eyes, she thought about how she would spend much time here. It seemed like one minute to her but when she heard the dinner bell, she knew it had been 1 hour. Skye walked over and shook Olive’s shoulder

“Wake up! It’s time for dinner.”

“I wasn’t sleeping.” Olive said “I was just resting.” She got off the bed and followed Skye to the dining hall.

When the two girls walked in the dining hall, they saw 3 long tables lined up in the dining hall. Olive walked in awkwardly, though Skye walked in comfortably as though she had done this all her life. They sat at two empty seats at the end of the table. Sitting across them, was Rock from Olive’s class. He was silent, as if almost shy, but he didn’t seem like the shy kind of guy to Olive.

“Hey.” Rock murmured, who was suddenly very interested in his mashed potatoes. Seeing that Olive was just staring at the food lied out in front of them, Skye said,

“Help yourself. You are allowed to eat it you know.” Olive gave an embarrassed smile and filled her plate with steak, mashed potatoes, salad, and a piece of a loaf of bread. She also filled her glass with water. Olive began to dig in her mashed potatoes when she noticed Skye staring at her water.

“Ok, unless that water is poisoned or dangerous in anyway, I don’t wanna know why you are staring at my glass.” Olive grinned.

“I…wanna see you use your gift…” Skye gave a nervous smile.

“Erm… I guess I could try.” Olive stared at the water in her glass and concentrated on a ripple going through it out of nowhere. Nothing happened.

“I can’t.” she sighed and went back to cutting through her steak. A disappointed looking Skye played around with her rice and finally said, “I’m not that hungry. I’ll see you in the bedroom.” And she walked out of the kitchen, up the stairs and to the bedroom. Olive shrugged and finished off her steak.

Skye, on her bed, was wondering why Olive couldn’t use her gift. “Maybe she is a faker! And she wanted to come here because she thought it would be exciting to see all these people using their gifts! It’s official. I am going to question her. Tonight.”

[SIZE=14pt]That is the end of chapter one. I don't have a title for it so if you have any ideas that would be great. What do you think?[/SIZE]
I think that is pretty creative and good. The only thing is that it reminds me of Sky High, because everyone has powers and stuff.

I think that is pretty creative and good. The only thing is that it reminds me of Sky High, because everyone has powers and stuff.
It reminds me of Harry Potter, and the book I'm writing, and *goes on and on through a long list* it's a very popular story topic, but that doesn't mean it's plagarism.

Sorry, the story title idea, no can do! There is a book as seen here. that title is a little TOO close to that one... huh? BUT KEEP THE IDEAS COMIN'! I'll send them to Wine_Deer via e-mail.

DANG! Ur scedule is CRAMPED!! But, please, send the next part SOON!!!!

[SIZE=21pt]Chapter 5[/SIZE][SIZE=14pt]“So.” Chef X said, a grin on her face.[/SIZE]

“So.” Olive echoed.

“Let’s cut the chit-chat and start where we ended.” Butterflies twittered in Olive’s stomach. To her, the words couldn’t come out of Chef X’s mouth fast enough. “Olive, my dear, you are an elementalist.”

A wave of confusion splashed over Olive’s face. “I’m a what?”

“An elementalist! Tell me you’ve heard of them!”

“Yeah, no. What is an elementalist? Is it bad? Contagious? A BRAIN DISEASE?!” Olive panicked.

“No no no! An elementalist is person who can control one of the elements. And you,”—Chef X sighed—“can control water! Now we just have to find the other 4!”

“I-I what? The other 4? What is it? Water, Fire, Sky, Earth and…?”

“…and Moods. This person can show his or her mood in some sort of obvious way. I don’t mean like, crying when you’re sad, or leaping when you’re happy, oh no no. I mean, steam coming from his or her ears when he or her is frustrated, or a storm cloud appears over his head when he is having a rotten day or a light bulb above his head when he gets an idea.”

Olive took a moment to let this all sink in. She was a special girl picked from a handful of 5. Talk about inheritance. “Wow.” Was all she could utter at this point.

“Well, that’s about all I have to say, and you can go back to your dinner now.” Chef X said, standing up. Olive stood up too. She was making her way to the door when Chef X called out, “Oh, and if, for any reason, you have a question, concern or need to talk to somebody about this, you can come to me. And don’t tell anybody. Except maybe Skye; I have known her for a while and although she may be talkative, she sure can keep a secret.” Chef X winked.

“Ok.” Olive said. She walked through the door of the dorm, past the supplies, past the cooks and into the cafeteria.


Dustin slowly walked down the stairs. His life wasn't going to well. First, a girl he secretly liked was gone. Now his best friends hated him. Why does my life have to be like this? First, my hair turned red, UNEXPECTEDLY! Then, my albino friend doesn't believe me! His mother was in the kitchen, making dinner.

"Hi, mom." he slumped down into one of the seats.

"Why so sad?" she asked while changing the temperature on the stove to high.

"Luke hates me!"


"He thought I was lying."

"Lying about what?"

"My hair turning red." At this, his mom turned away from the food she was preparing and gave him a stern look.

"Why do you keep using that odd story?

"Because it is TRUE!" at this, he ran to his room, where he stayed until the next morning. One of the reasons he stayed there was because, there was a reunion.

Back at St. Xaviers…

“So what did Chef X say?” Skye asked when Olive sat down.

“Oh uh…” Olive hesitated to answer. “Ok, promise not to tell?”


“Pinky swear?” Olive held out her pinky.

“Pinky swear.” Skye shook pinkies with Olive.

“Ok this is what happened.” Olive explained the whole story. In the end, Skye looked hardly surprised.

“I knew it.” She murmured. “It was destined to be. I just…wow. So there are… 4 left right? Uh, Earth, Sky, Fire, and Mood?”

“Oh does everybody know about this?”

“No, not many people the world know. I bet it’s like only 10 or something. Chef X told me. She knows everything. We have a strong friendship so she tells me stuff I should know.” Skye smiled. “I see lots of things here because I can fly. Speaking of which,” Skye took Olive’s hand, “close your eyes.” Olive shut her eyes. She heard Skye’s voice say, “Start running until…you feel light.” Still holding hands, Olive and Skye ran. Skye knew they were running towards an open window, where Olive was clueless. Skye jumped out the window, pulling Olive with her. Olive stopped running as she felt she was “light”. “You can open your eyes now.” Skye said after a few minutes. Olive opened her eyes.

She was flying over the town, and saw all the lights from a Birdseye view. It was amazing. The wind was rushing through her hair and into her face. She felt like she was a feather, floating carelessly through the sky. It was like she was an angel, on her way to heaven. It was such a good feeling; no words will ever be invented to describe it.

“Whoa.” Was the only thing that could come out from Olive’s mouth.

“Close your eyes again. I have a surprise for you.” Skye grinned as Olive closed her eyes. Skye flew towards the beach, now she was in the middle of the ocean; she flew close down to it. “Open your eyes again.”

“Skye, this is…my ocean.” Olive said in disbelief.

“I know. I took you here for a reason.” They soared over the ocean and Olive watched its waters thoughtfully.

“Skye, this is great and thank you so much, but, can you take me one last place before we go back?”

“Sure, where to?”

“There, right there.” Olive pointed to a two story cream colored house with a green mini van in the parkway.

“Oh the one with the green mini van?”

“That’s the one.”

“Hold on.” Skye said, accelerating towards the house. “Where at the house?”

“That window. The one on the second floor. The one with the aqua curtains.” Olive gazed at the window as they got closer. When they finally reached it, Olive knocked on the window. Skye and Olive waited a minute and suddenly the curtains flew open.

“Olive!” cried Dustin.

“Dustin!” Olive cried back.

“Skye.” Skye said randomly. Dustin and Olive looked at her.

“Dustin, open the window!” Olive said, a smile so large on her face, it would remind somebody of a half moon. Dustin hurried and opened the window and Skye flew in with Olive, hardly clinging to her hand.

“What the-” Dustin could barely say those two words when he saw them flying.

“It’s a long story. Oh! Dustin, this is Skye, Skye this is Dustin.” Olive said.

“Nice to meet you Skye.” Dustin said, sticking out his hand, in which, Skye would shake.

“You too.” Skye, instead of shaking his hand, high-fived him.

Dustin chuckled and turned to Olive. “What are you doing here? I thought you were in your school. And…and-”

“Shhh.” Olive put her finger over his mouth. “We aren’t supposed to be here. I was in school but,” Olive looked at Skye, “a friend took me over here. I just wanted to say hi while we were here.”

“Wait! Well I have to tell you something. I-”

“Sorry. Bye Dustin.” Olive grabbed Skye’s hand, and Skye began to lift into the air slowly.

“But-” Dustin looked up desperately. But they were already gone. “No.” he murmured.

“I feel bad about that. Maybe we should go back.” Olive said, glancing back at the window, which, she could see the figure of a head very faintly.

“No! We have to get back to school, or else more punishment will come our way.” Skye pulled out a very small far, about the size of a soda can. “I brought this so you can put some of the water from…your ocean. “Who knows? It might be easier to control.” Skye smiled

Olive felt so peaceful, soaring over the beautiful ocean, towards the shadowy, gloomy dark castle looking school. Olive opened the jar, plunged her hand into the ocean, and pulled it out. The jar of water was beautiful in her wet, glistening hand. She closed it up with a small smile. She turned her head forward and closed her eyes. Enjoying the pleasant wind on her face, she thought about the tunnel she had explored earlier with Skye. Why was it there? What was going on with that mysterious gold door? Was it holding any mysterious secrets? Olive was opening her mouth to bring it up, but now they were going through the window into the hall.

“Shhh!” Skye warned.

“Can we come down now?” Olive whispered, looking at the floor from the ceiling which she and Skye were very close to hitting with their backs.

“No.” Skye whispered. “Angie might spot us and this is quieter. Also quicker.”

“Quicker? Back at my ocean, bikers were faster then us.”

“Oh I can control that.”

“Control what?”

“My speed. Check it out.” Skye squinted her eyes and before Olive knew it, the walls and everything were just a blur. It didn’t seem like they were moving until they plummeted out another open window.

“Where are you going? We need to go to the bedroom.”

“First, we call it the B.R. and second, we need to fly through the windows, because everybody will know we snuck out. The door creaks when you open it from the outside. Plus, the girls never close their windows.” Skye explained as they hovered over the roof. They flew towards one of the ridiculously tall, roof-pointed, towers. There were two on each sides of “the castle” as Skye put it. “We call it “the M.C.” because it looks so much like a medieval castle.” She explained. She flew about 2/3 towards the top and stopped at a large (at least for a window, large), round window. She flew in slowly and softly and landed very quietly on the floor.

“’Night.” Olive whispered, quickly putting on pajamas and getting into bed.

“Sweet dreams.” Skye whispered, already in pajamas and climbing into bed.

“I count on it. Dustin…” Olive said softly to herself, drifting off to sleep from the soft breathing of the other girls.

Giggles and Hilary Duff’s hit song; ‘Wake Up’ was what woke Olive up that Wednesday morning.

“Wha-?” Olive yawned, her eyes still a bit groggy. The giggles grew louder. Rubbing her eyes, the forms of all the girls in her B.R. in their pajamas grew clearer and clearer. Skye was one of them.

“Surprise!” she cheered. “Hope you like Hilary Duff! We do this to all the new girls. This is the usual group of girls in this B.R.” All the girls began to high-five each other. Olive hated being woken up rudely, but usually told people who didn’t know very gently. But today, she was grumpy. For no reason, she just woke up and felt grumpy. But it wasn’t the normal grumpy. It was a kind where she feels something bad is about to happen, and to prevent it, she has to be grumpy.

“Shut up.” Olive muttered loudly. The giggles ceased and all the girls stared at her, some with the expression of shock, some with the expression of hurt. Skye, however, had both. “Never wake me up like that again, or you’ll pay the cost.”

“Sorry!” Skye exclaimed sarcastically, but it sound more like ‘Saw-ree!’. “You don’t have to be so rude about it!”

“Well, you’re off the hook…this time.” Olive glared at all the girls and got dressed. She wore her blue shirt with a dolphin on it and her green jeans. She slipped into her red all-stars, brushed her blonde hair and washed her face. Right when she left, frantic talk began to spread around the room.


He was walking through a tunnel. It never seemed to end. Steps are behind him! He starts running... the steps are getting faster! The light! It's there! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Groaning, Dustin turned off his alarm. “That dream was so odd!” Thought Dustin. He walked to his closet. His mind was with the night before… with Olive and Skye… He looked into his mirror. There was something wrong. It was his hair. It took on another color. Purple.

Dustin screamed at the top of this his lungs as he ran downstairs in his boxers.


"Not again! Stop this nonsense!" said his mother.


"Dustin! Look in the mirror!" slowly, Dustin looked into the mirror. His hair was brown.

"Now go and get dressed!" commanded his mother.

"Fine." he walked up the stairs and put on an Eco United shirt, and some brown shorts.

On the bus, Dustin looked for Luke. It wasn't hard. Around the middle of the bus was white scraggly hair.

"Hey, Luke!" said Dustin. Luke looked at him, and then quickly looked away. Dustin walked to the seat, but Luke's little sister, Donna, was sitting in the same seat as Luke. Donna was a brunette, skinny, and 8 years old.

"Hi, Dustin!" she said.

"Hey, Donna."

"Sorry, but it is two to a seat."

"I know." Dustin said as he walked off. The only open seat was next to Jenna. Groaning, he sat down next to her.

"Hi, Dustin! Are you going to be the guidance counselor today?"

"I don't know."

"Well, I think it would be fun!"

"I guess."

"You ok?"


"Why not?"

"Luke hates my guts."


“He thought I told him a lie when it really-" before he finished, he saw Jenna's eyes grow huge.

"Uh, you ok?" she still just looked at him bug-eyed. “Helloo?" He waved his hand in front of her face.

"B-b-t-t it-s g-r-reen!" she blabbered.




"Wait, now it's brown.... Does that happen often?"

"Well, it once turned red. Another time, purple. Now, apparently, it tuned green. Jenna, can I ask you a favor?"

"Yes..." she was still freaked out.

"Please don't say a WORD about this, ok?"



Back at St. Xaviers…

Whispers of worry were crowding the room.

“What’s wrong with her?”

“I’ve been grumpy before, but never like that.”

“What did she mean by ‘or else’?”

“Whaddya’ think she’ll do if she gets the guts.” The whispers grew louder and louder. Finally the clamor was hushed by an even louder and shriller whistle.

“God, like, SHUT UP!” yelled Angie, who stuck her head in the B.R. “Everybody in the other B.R.’s are complaining. Jeez!” Angie slammed the door behind her.

“She’s right!” Skye exclaimed, standing on her bed so all the girls were paying attention to her.

“That we are too loud?” one girl named Calida called out. The name Calida, means ‘Most Beautiful’ which fit Calida entirely. She had beautiful long brown hair that was very lush and full, eyes as brown as hot chocolate, freshly made and smooth, clear skin. She also always had the best wardrobe. She was pretty smart, but she still struggles.

“No! That we need to calm down, and talk this out.” Skye said.

“She never said that!” Another girl named Nadia called out. Nadia means ‘Hope’ in Russian, which fits her too, because she almost always had hope in everything.

“She implied it!” Somebody answered for Skye. The name of this girl means ‘God’s Power’. The name of this girl is Jael, who fits her name, like many others. She has been blessed when she was born, because she had gotten the power of the mind. Meaning, she was telekinetic and she knew just about everything.

“Oh…” Nadia trailed off.

“Anyway,” Skye said impatiently, “We gotta buckle down, and concentrate. Why would Olive be like this? Usually she is kind…and not angry.”

“Maybe she didn’t like what we did.” Calida said.

“Maybe she is possessed!” a girl named Samantha called out.

“Maybe we should talk about this later so we aren’t late for breakfast!” a random girl yelled.

“Right.” Skye said, jumping down and getting dressed into her white shirt with a penguin on it and her purple skirt. All of the girls ran to their classes, some still shoving their shoes on.

During breakfast, Olive was silent, and didn’t even notice Rick watching her from across the table. She shoveled down the French toast and left. Chef X’s French toast is delicious, but Olive was so confused and angry, she couldn’t taste a thing.

Then, during her power class, she couldn’t even make a ripple. That just made her more frustrated.

In English, Mrs. Keller had all the students sit down and listen to her announcement before they continued The Lightning Thief.

“Today is going to be the first day of P.E. class. You will go after your last class to the old willow by the pond. You will also be given 10 minutes to go to your R.R. and put on some comfortable clothes,” Mrs. Keller paused to look specifically at Calida, who was wearing high heels, a jeans skirt and a large, pink, puffy jacket, and continued, “that you can do P.E. in. Questions?” Three hands went up. “Yes Sean?” Mrs. Keller pointed at a boy with messy black hair and a wild look in his gray eyes.

“What should we wear?” Sean asked in his hyper-sounding voice.

“I would say a baggy t-shirt and baggy shorts. Yes Kim?”

A red-haired girl with a tan face smiled her white-toothed smile and asked, “What is the P.E. teacher’s name?” her voice was like a jungle. It sounded mellow, though, full of excitement.

“Mr. Ramzee. Yes Tonya?” Mrs. Keller said, nodding to Tonya. Olive just realized that Tonya was in her class right now. “Now I would like everybody to take out their copy of The Lightn- oh! Homework! Please put your homework in that wire basket over there.” She pointed to a wire basket by the door. Everybody, except for Tom, a telekinetic boy who just moved his homework with his mind, got up, put their homework in the basket, sat down and opened their copy of The Lightning Thief.

Mrs. Keller read until Chapter 13. Olive could barely listen to when Percy Jackson, the main character, is claimed by Poseidon, god of earthquakes, horses and water. She didn’t even notice when Percy Jackson had encountered the Oracle, both scenes, of which, are very exciting. She was too busy contemplating why she was so angry. But, since she couldn’t find out, she just got frustrated and even more upset. Finally when English was over, she began sprinting to Science. Maybe I can run it off she thought. Dodging the students, she was the first one to Mr. Flam’s class.

“Hello Olive.” Mr. Flam said when she arrived. “You’re early. Very early…”

“Yeah.” Olive gasped, out of breath. “Angry…no reason…English…Percy Jackson…thinking…frustration…sprinting…burn it off.”

“Right. Tell me when you have your breath back.” Mr. Flam went over to go greet the students who just arrived. Nadia, as you remember from Olive’s B.R., walked in and her face brightened. She quickly sat next to Olive.

“Hi!” she smiled enthusiastically.

“What?” Olive closed her eyes slowly opened them. While she opened them, she looked at Nadia.

“About this morning…why were you so angry? I mean, I know you probably weren’t that fond about the whole, waking you up thing, but why so harsh. We gotta spread the love, man.”

“Stop talking like a hippie.” Olive turned her face to Nadia, and to Nadia’s surprise, the face was full of panic. “I don’t know!” Olive cried. “I just woke up and was angry! I want it to stop!”

“Olive! Calm down! Let’s go see Chef X at break. She knows, like, everything!” Nadia smiled. “Just, keep cool this class.”

“Hello students! Good to see you today.” Mr. Flam looked at all of them.

“What’s so good about it?” Olive desperately wanted to say, but knew that wouldn’t make her any better.

“Today, we will be testing the germination of these tomato plants,” Mr. Flam motioned to some cups full of soil, “by giving each cup, which have 5 tomato seeds in them, a different type of music. I will call your name and you will pick a partner. Then you and your partner will come up here, take two cups, one per partner, and cross off the music that I have written on the board, that you are going to use. First, Nadia Aarons.”

Nadia smiled and replied happily. “I pick Olive Otelia!” This made Olive feel a little better. They stood up and took one cup each. They looked at the board. The list was:

Rock-If Everyone Cared

Hip Hop-P.I.M.P. (Warning: Explicit Lyrics)

Pop- Potential Breakup Song

Alternative-Misery Business

Country-Before He Cheats

Electronic-Technologic (Radio Edit)

Comedy- White and Nerdy

Soundtrack-Bet on It

Classical- A Daisy in December

Jazz- True Love

Sad Music- Wake Me Up When September Ends

Olive took a moment to study all of them. Nadia however walked right up and checked off ‘Sad Music’ which was the exact opposite of her. Olive stared at Nadia.

“What?” Nadia asked, blushing. “I like the song ‘Wake Me up When September Ends’ by Green Day.”

Olive finally decided on Rock. As they went to their desks, Mr. Flam followed them and handed them each a CD player with headphones.

“These are set on replay, so you just put the CD in,” he handed them each a CD, one with just the song “Wake Me up When September Ends” and one with “If Everyone Cared” by Nickelback, “and the song continues on and on. Don’t worry, the battery won’t run out. Good luck.” The two girls put in the CD, put the headphones around the jars of dirt and began the music.

The rest of the class, Mr. Flam called out people to pick partners, jars of soil and music. Finally everybody had a partner, a jar of soil, and some music. One boy named Jake began listening to his music, which was “Bet on It”. Mr. Flam walked over and pulled off his headphones.

“No.” he said. “Ok class, keep your music off but put the headphones on the jars.” Mr. Flam instructed. “Now turn on your music when I say go. Ready…set…goat!” Everybody stood still. One person even yelled, “C’mon Mr. Flam! That’s the oldest trick in the book!” Mr. Flam sighed and said, “Go.” And everybody turned on their music. The rest of Science was writing down the hypothesis and why they think that they will get that.

Finally the bell rang. Everybody ran, and Olive impatiently waited for Nadia outside of the Science room. When Nadia came out Olive snatched her and they began running down the hall. They didn’t stop until they got to the cafeteria. The two girls burst through the cafeteria doors and ran into the kitchen.

“Where’s Chef X?” Olive asked one of the cooks.

“Dorm.” The cook replied and walked off.

“What’d she mean by-?” Nadia began. Olive pulled her through the busy, hot kitchen into Chef X’s dorm.

“Chef X! Chef X!” Olive ran to the sofa that Chef X was reading on. Nadia followed.

“Hello Olive. Nadia. What can I do for you? Oh and if you’re here to ask me for more tater tot’s tonight, forget it!” Chef X looked up from her book.

“No Chef X.” Nadia said. “This is serious. Olive woke up this morning and was mad and grumpy. For no reason. We thought you might know about this. You know, considering you know just about everything.”

“Oh…oh no. I feared this would happen. Olive, tell me exactly how you felt.” Chef X’s cheery face suddenly darkened.

“Well I felt angry, and it wouldn’t go away. It felt like something bad was going to happen. It was scary.” Olive said.

“Olive, I don’t really know how to tell you this, you have the sense. Because you are an elementalist, there is a legend behind it. It said that one of them had a sense, of something happening. That’s you. You must have a spy on you.” Chef X notified.

Olive’s eyes widened. “Whoa. Major news AND major mood change at the same time.” She said. “Suddenly, I feel like a major load will be taken off my shoulders, like if I’m carrying two chairs, somebody is going to come help me. But it feels twice of that.”

“I see. That means, another 2 elementalist are in, or coming to the school.
OH MY GOD I'm only half-way through this!!! And it's so LONG! But it's like 10:00 here and so I have to read it all tomorrow!

But I really like it!

Good-bye and good-night!
