Please Try not to post deaths, etc on Tamatalk


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Sandshark 23

Well-known member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Australia, New South Wales
Well...this started with the 'deaths' of roxyangel and tamakitten..almost everybody cried on tamatalk. but then we found out that it was not true. then everybody was happy...exccept Bell sprout, and my family. My mum was so angry that she Pm'ed admin about it. And then there was this death post about tamatalk member *karina* which made people suspicious. My twin brother (pro175) posted an Excellent post telling people not to post deaths, but nobody listened. I was so angry because I had to REPEAT what my twin had just said! Now there is this topic in this forum that AusGal is in hospital which is making people sad.

For further information, Tamatalk is not an obituary. It is a place to have fun, play games, chat in the chat room, talk about tamagotchis and so on


Sandshark 23;-D

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i agree with you Sandshark 23 - especially when things are rumours and the person posting it does not know whether it is definitely true or even worse if they are lies and the person is just seeking attention. and yes - all of that stuff that went on before was very hurtful to a lot of people.

but i assume that it is true about AusGal - and if so - i think it is nice that she knows people are thinking of her

....but i assume that it is true about AusGal - and if so - i think it is nice that she knows people are thinking of her....
I tend to agree with GK1 - the get well posts might help cheer her up.

Looking at some of her posts from the past few days, it seems that she can get online to TamaTalk from hospital (she has a lap top computer with her).

Best, etc.


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Ok...AusGal IS in hospital. at first i did not think it was true, but it now all comes to me. does anybody want me to edit my topic further?
no i don't think so. its fine - its what you felt and you should be able to say that!! and everyone shold be careful about what they post and how it affects others :huh:

and p.s. - your holiday sounds very cool!!

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Well...this started with the 'deaths' of roxyangel and tamakitten..almost everybody cried on tamatalk. but then we found out that it was not true. then everybody was happy...exccept Bell sprout, and my family. My mum was so angry that she Pm'ed admin about it. And then there was this death post about tamatalk member *karina* which made people suspicious. My twin brother (pro175) posted an Excellent post telling people not to post deaths, but nobody listened. I was so angry because I had to REPEAT what my twin had just said! Now there is this topic in this forum that AusGal is in hospital which is making people sad.
For further information, Tamatalk is not an obituary. It is a place to have fun, play games, chat in the chat room, talk about tamagotchis and so on


Sandshark 23;-D
Yes, I truly agree.

It scared me, and it makes people angry.

That it was a lie. :huh:

Couldn't agree more. Unfortunately, due to the first incidents I no longer trust any posts in regards to any other member's life or wellbeing and all threads on such topic matter will be monitered closely.

I sort of agree. It's OK to post tama deaths in the correct forum.

ya i have to agree.......death does make people sad and people dont feel good about it and to sum people it mite make them scared themselves. its good to bring it up. and wow!u have a twin bro?????

Well...this started with the 'deaths' of roxyangel and tamakitten..almost everybody cried on tamatalk. but then we found out that it was not true. then everybody was happy...exccept Bell sprout, and my family. My mum was so angry that she Pm'ed admin about it. And then there was this death post about tamatalk member *karina* which made people suspicious. My twin brother (pro175) posted an Excellent post telling people not to post deaths, but nobody listened. I was so angry because I had to REPEAT what my twin had just said! Now there is this topic in this forum that AusGal is in hospital which is making people sad.
For further information, Tamatalk is not an obituary. It is a place to have fun, play games, chat in the chat room, talk about tamagotchis and so on


Sandshark 23;-D
That's exactly right!

We should just keep that stuff personal and only tell friends of theirs! (If they want....)

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