Pleeeeeeze Help Me


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New member
Aug 6, 2005
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Pleeeeeeze help Me!!!!! I am new to tamagotchis. I have had my tamagotchi for about 3 days now and i have already fllen in love with it. But i cannot for the life of me figure out how to get my training up, get new things in the shop, when to praise it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Regards JP

P.S. My tamagotchi is a version 2

Training Possibilites (also answering your praise question):

If you notice your Tamagotchi is hungry, but it refuses to eat, give it a time out.

If your tamagotchi beeps for attention, but doesn't need anything, give it a time out.

Sometimes your tamagotchi will beep for attention, and it will be facing away with you, with a little black dot/cloud over his/her head. This means it is in a bad mood, and you need to praise it to cheer it up.

If you connect to another Tamagotchi, and give it a present, your tamagotchi will sometimes send an empty preset, a snake, poop, or a jack in the box. Give it a time out, because this is bad.

Sometimes your tamagotchi will just sit down and start crying. Praise it to cheer the little fella up.

To get new things in your shop: I believe the Shop restocks at Three o clock and seven. If you mean how to get points? Then you play the games, of course. ^^

Awsome Thanks Heaps!!!!!

Also can a girl be partners with another girl?????

Regards JP

When you buy an item can u use them more than once??????

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