plz help me with slots


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Active member
Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
plz help me with slots i dont know how to win very well like other ppl getting 9999 in 5 :chohimetchi: mins how they do that

robogotchy rulez :puroperatchi: :marumimitchi:

who will be my friend

All I can suggest is that you don't rush it.

I watch the character change and look for the pattern. Once you see the character smiling (with open mouth usually) each time, you'll begin to get a feel for the timing until the next open smile. So let the character run through its little dance several times before you hit button B.

This is not a 100% perfect method, but my scores have improved tremendously since I have been doing this.

Highest score is if you bet 9p and get 3 x Os on the slot = 900 points and the little congratulatory fireworks to show that you have won the game.

Best, etc.


Feed tama snacks, bet 9 and just keep hitting B. I occasionally get 900. It took me half an hour though, not five minutes. But I guess the pattern thing works for some.

You press B when you think that you have a circle or triangle. Xs are bad because you can lose points by getting all Xs. :D

i agree with tamamum just watch a pattern for when it is smiling or something else that means its is happy. i usually get 270 p-900 in about 10 minutes

thx ppl now i have 9999 :gozarutchi: you all helped me

robogotchy rulez :) :huh: :chohimetchi: :ichigotchi: :furawatchi:


Well really u can't just win u have to just try and stop it when

it lands on a happy face

I m looking for a friend 2.

Prehaps you could email me as I know everything about tamagotchis!!

We could chat I could tell u evry new cheat possible

This is my email address

please tell me yours

[email protected]



:) :huh: :chohimetchi:

I can have put it any better TamaMum. Here's another tip: some characters are good with the slots, some are not. For example, Ginjirotchi and Oyajitchi are both good slot characters. Why? Because their smiling animation stands out from the rest of their animations. Ginjirotchi's has him jump in the air, while Oyajitchi's animation is like his eating animation. However, some characters are not, including Ojotchi and Otokitchi. If you have had these guys you understand perfectly well what I mean.

:chohimetchi: i have a hitchipatchi or something, what does that look like when its smiling? :pochitchi:
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