Polite or Inpolite?


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I am usally polite. My parents get positive feedback from other parents when i come over to their house. And when it comes to burping, when I drink soda, I only burp in my house. But my parents know that burping is an involentary reflex (however it's spelt) so they don't get mad at me.

Well, I am not that polite or impolite either.

I am both sort of.

Burping in public with people I don't know, I sort of don't care because I am most likely never gonna see that person again.

BUT, If it's like a huge burp!

Then I wouldn't do it.

Only if it was my friends.

I do say "please and "thank you".

But, sometimes I just forget.

And at home I'd usauly eat food with my hands, If it's messy I don't do it.

I don't really feel the urge to burp in public, i usuallyput my hand over my mouth ad say Pardon me.

But that's what i do normally - sometimes when i'm with my friends, i burp and laugh, sodo they. ;]

I find it rude, it is also rude, to me, to breeth in someones face. :p

Burping in public?Well, it depends on who your with.

If some random little kid belched real loud right next to me I wouldn't think that's polite.

But if it's my friend, and we aren't really in with a bunch of random older people I don't really care.

Actualy, my best friend belched on a plane once- my goodness!!! EVERYONE turned around. I personaly thought it was hillarious. xD
Um, tamaw/pants, what is '''belching''.

ON TOPIC: I'm polite, but somehow I don't wash my hands before I eat, or after I use the bathroom

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