Politics: The topic people hate!


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Abortion- Prolife. Period.
Gay Marriages- I'm sure you also know my stance on that. I don't believe it's the way a famiy should be. There's a man and a woman who have a kid and continue the human race. I believe that's how it was set up and that's how it should stay. If two guys are gay, fine. I'm not going to hate and rant at your doorstep, but I don't agree with it. It's not just because "God iz so mean and dis or dat" but because there is a particular order. If you want to change that order of nature, fine, so be it. But we don't have to change the definition of marriage for you.

War- My opinion really doesn't count much because I haven't been following it. But, if it keeps our country and improves their country, then I'm all for it. I believe we then should stay because if you look back at history when the forces left, the opposing forces came back and hit us hard. Look at WWII- we left Germany and bam. Millions of lives were killed. If we leave now I believe that they'll hit us ten times harder than what we put in because we 'lost' and 'retreated'. We still have people in Germany and how long ago was that? We still have troops all over the world. And it's their job. At any time they can be deployed and they know that. If they don't want to take that chance, don't get into the army.
Yes! Those are exactly my points! Thank you!!! :lol:

no, the first religion was a polytheistic religion in mesopatamia i think.. i'm not sure.

and the terrorist were from the alcaida (sp?) group. Why not just hunt them out instead of killing more innocent people in Iraq and be just as bad as the terrorist? Seriously, and i heard the war was over pollution in the water..
Really? Well, maybe I should read over the Bible again...hmm. I never knew that.

Yes, you're right, they are from Alcaida but they take refuge in third world countries like Iraq and Iran. But yes, we've been hunting down the terrorists all this time that the war's been going on! That's what we've been doing! :lol:

You heard the war was over pollution? Who told you that piece of propaganda (i.e.-junk)? No, the war was over 9/11. Do you remember 9/11? If you don't, then boy, have I got a story to tell you!

Christianity and religion started waaaaaay back before Jesus was born. Christianity was like, the very first religion. Then other religions started branching off of it. So that's how all these religions were started.
Umm......Christan was not the first religion :/

It started out when "Jesus" told everyone about "God"

There were religions before that.

the Jewish religion was before Christianity, because Jesus was a Jewish teacher.

lol, of course i remember 9/11..

Sorry, but I just found that funny.
The Bible teaches love, but it teaches one specific type of love, loving the oppisite Gender.

Also, I happen to believe that we are all born to love anyone, not for their gender, its the pressure of being "straight" that makes us love the oppisite gender, and so, those who are gay/lesbian, are just very strong, not letting society change their ways.

Heh...wha...uh...WHAT?! The Bible says love your neighbor, not the person across the street of the same gender that wants to marry you! We're talking about same gender marriages, here. The Bible says (about marriages) that a man and a woman ONLY shall marry! And if you're gay, then too bad, unless you don't believe in the Bible and you're gay.

Don't sit and watch the world go by,Don't sit while seal pups die,

You don't know how young death feels,

So get out there and save those seals!!

Okay, so that's a poem from your siggy. Now replace the "seal pups" and "seals" with "human babies" and "humans". Maybe that'll shed a little more light for you people. (For the Abortion topic) And besides, where would YOU be if your mom had aborted YOU?!

I...AM...NOT...MAKING...FUN...OF...THEM!!! I'm just saying it's wrong! It says so in the Bible! I could care less if you don't read the bible. The Bible is the highest law on the Earth and I follow it. If you say love is love, then you're taking love for granted. God loves you with REAL love, not just some fake Yuppie love that this world has.

And no, the terrorists are not attacking BECAUSE of the war. Who told you THAT? The terrorists attack because...well, they're terrorists! They're a bunch of stupid idiots who go around killing innocent people!
Whoah. I'm sorry. The Bible is NOT the highest law on earth. Just saying that. There is literally a bible for every religion, every cult. We are not a higher being's pawns, and if the Bible is the highest law on earth, than we might as well be. Humans and animal together occupy this earth, and they have occupied it long before Bible or Religion. Christians were not here before humans, because Religion is of Man, not of God, as I have pointed out.

What leads us most is common sense, common sense given by lessons of life humans learned long before The Bible was written. I am not slamming your religion, but The Bible did not discover fire, did not build shelter. Humans did that. But even then, Humans are not the highest law on earth. We are bent into shape for our surroundings by nature, therefore, the Elements are the highest laws of earth.

It may be the highest law in your life, fine, but not on the entire earth for every being.


How would you feel, anyways, if you had been born to a teenaged mother, but she died in the process, because she wasn't in the health, or ready, or was just too young? That is why I support abortion.

Heh...wha...uh...WHAT?! The Bible says love your neighbor, not the person across the street of the same gender that wants to marry you! We're talking about same gender marriages, here. The Bible says (about marriages) that a man and a woman ONLY shall marry! And if you're gay, then too bad, unless you don't believe in the Bible and you're gay.
But what if your gay and you are christan?

Tell me.

Umm......Christan was not the first religion :/It started out when "Jesus" told everyone about "God"

There were religions before that.
First of all, please don't put Jesus and God's name in quotations like that. Please.

Acutally, no. Christianity was founded by Jesus. Before that, religion was either believing that God exists or not (which he does exist!). Remember Adam and Eve? They started it all. It's all because they ate that stupid apple that God told them not to eat but that evil Satan told them it was OK! That's what made the world go wrong.

First of all, please don't put Jesus and God's name in quotations like that. Please.
Acutally, no. Christianity was founded by Jesus. Before that, religion was either believing that God exists or not (which he does exist!). Remember Adam and Eve? They started it all. It's all because they ate that stupid apple that God told them not to eat but that evil Satan told them it was OK! That's what made the world go wrong.
I dont belive in Adam and Eve either

How did there children have babies?

And what about Greece?

They belived in "Zeuse" and many other gods.

but your not getting...

your making it seem like Christianity is supreme and rules over the laws..

but you're not getting, the U.S is diverse. Many religions, many races, etc.

Not everyone is christain, so why force them to obey rules that are from another religion, why make them suffer?

And i beleive in evolution, from a single celled organism that had a mind... and then humans were made by thousands of mutations in the genes of a creature.

but your not getting...

your making it seem like Christianity is supreme and rules over the laws..

but you're not getting, the U.S is diverse. Many religions, many races, etc.

Not everyone is christain, so why force them to obey rules that are from another religion, why make them suffer?

And i beleive in evolution, from a single celled organism that had a mind... and then humans were made by thousands of mutations in the genes of a creature.
Your like so coral :lol:

Whoah. I'm sorry. The Bible is NOT the highest law on earth. Just saying that. There is literally a bible for every religion, every cult. We are not a higher being's pawns, and if the Bible is the highest law on earth, than we might as well be. Humans and animal together occupy this earth, and they have occupied it long before Bible or Religion. Christians were not here before humans, because Religion is of Man, not of God, as I have pointed out.

What leads us most is common sense, common sense given by lessons of life humans learned long before The Bible was written. I am not slamming your religion, but The Bible did not discover fire, did not build shelter. Humans did that. But even then, Humans are not the highest law on earth. We are bent into shape for our surroundings by nature, therefore, the Elements are the highest laws of earth.

It may be the highest law in your life, fine, but not on the entire earth for every being.


How would you feel, anyways, if you had been born to a teenaged mother, but she died in the process, because she wasn't in the health, or ready, or was just too young? That is why I support abortion.
Actually, if you are of any religion that believes in the word of God (the Bible) and God himself, then yes, the Bible is the highest law of us. But what you're talking about is the highest law of Earth. I'm not talking about Earth. Earth is a world that God has given us to live on, but the ACLU got into the picture and messed it all up. Not just the ACLU, but other people who hate God. Wait, wait, correction, it all started when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and listened to Satan instead.

No, you're right, we are NOT a higher being's pawns, but here's your flaw: there IS no higher being. It's our duty to spread the Gospel, so come judgement day, we all go to heaven. So technically, WE are the higher being. We humans who believe, anyway.

No, the Bible did not discover fire and things like that, but I mean come on, it's a book! A book is an inanimane object. It doesn't have legs or anything. Books don't even have arms! But if it wasn't for God, Earth wouldn't exist. You and me wouldn't exist. Nothing would be existant.

but your not getting...

your making it seem like Christianity is supreme and rules over the laws..

but you're not getting, the U.S is diverse. Many religions, many races, etc.

Not everyone is christain, so why force them to obey rules that are from another religion, why make them suffer?

And i beleive in evolution, from a single celled organism that had a mind... and then humans were made by thousands of mutations in the genes of a creature.
If it seems to you that I'm making it seem as it's the highest religion, then you're wrong. I'm not trying to make it seem that way. I'm not bashing anybody or anybody's religions. I know, the U.S. and the world in general is made of many religions, but which religion started it all? Christianity.

I'm not trying to force people to believe our beliefs. If they believe something else, that's perfectly fine. I'm not trying to make anyone suffer. You keep your religion, and you deserve to be proud of it.

As far as the evolution thing and Darwinism...

You're going to have to answer to God (the creater of heaven and earth, not to mention the WHOLE universe) come judgement day. Yup. Come judgement day, you're going to have a nice long chat with God. Trust me. It will come.

Abortion- Wrong once again, very low percentages of woman get abortions because of rape. Most get an abortion because they are to lazy or to "Young" to take care of a baby. Look at Jamie Lynn Spears she is pregnant but she said she would never get an abortion. It also bothers the heck out of me when people say "Imagine if u werez raped! Why would you wantz to have a baby" Well i wouldnt really know what to because i have never and i hope i never or any of you ever have to be in that situation.


Gay Marriage- The bible does really say only man and woman should be joined in marriage.


War- I personally think any kind of war is so 18th century.



I dont belive in Adam and Eve either How did there children have babies?

And what about Greece?

They belived in "Zeuse" and many other gods.
Okay, if you don't believe in 'em, that's fine. I'm not pursuading you to back out of your religion. You are what you are.

The Greece people and all those people who worship fake Gods are idiots. There is only one God and that is who you worship. Not some sculpted piece of junk. So what if it's a statue made of metal? It's not God. It can't bring rain, light, or darkness. What can a piece of metal do?

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Okay, if you don't believe in 'em, that's fine. I'm not pursuading you to back out of your religion. You are what you are.
The Greece people and all those people who worship fake Gods are idiots. There is only one God and that is who you worship. Not some sculpted piece of junk. So what if it's a statue made of metal? It's not God. It can't bring rain, light, or darkness. What can a piece of metal do?
Thats Discusting.

What if I told you that your stupid for beliveing "God"

I Pity You.

Abortion- Wrong once again, very low percentages of woman get abortions because of rape. Most get an abortion because they are to lazy or to "Young" to take care of a baby. Look at Jamie Lynn Spears she is pregnant but she said she would never get an abortion. It also bothers the heck out of me when people say "Imagine if u werez raped! Why would you wantz to have a baby" Well i wouldnt really know what to because i have never and i hope i never or any of you ever have to be in that situation. 

Gay Marriage- The bible does really say only man and woman should be joined in marriage.


War- I personally think any kind of war is so 18th century.


I agree with you on everything except for the war part.

Actually, the first war was between Cain and Abel, Adam and Eve's sons. Cain was the evil son, and denied God's existence, and Abel was the good son, who believed in God. Then one night Cain went out and killed Abel. Just killed him. His only brother. Then he got a little visit from God. Wasn't pretty.

Ever since then, war has been going on. Wars in ancient Rome, wars in Jesus' time, the New Testament, wars everywhere. But this war was started becuase of those stupid terrorists!

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