Poor Gucci :(


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Active member
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Tamagotchi's Name: Gucci

Tamagotchi's Age: 2 (yeah he was old)

Date of Birth: I dunno

Date of Passing: June 31 2005

What Generation? 1 :furawatchi:

Your Comments: He was my first Tama. I really miss him even though he had a strange name. He was really old but I still wish he didn't die right then. I was having a really great day too until I came home. :hitodetchi: Unfortunately I came home that day and asked my mom how Gucci was doing (my mom takes care of Gucci when I'm not home) and she just looked at me and said "You didn't give me Gucci today" and I said that I did and then I looked in my room in the little bed thing I had made for him but he was a floaty egg with wings. :nazotchi: I felt really sad but after a while I felt better... This is what Gucci looked like --> ;)
