Portable Tama Room!


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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
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Ravenclaw Tower

So there used to be a bunch of super cool crafty stuff here, and so slowly me and my friend are bringing it back! This is my first idea, sort of like Violetchilluvr3's, but its portable 'n stuff, and its a little different.

So basically, this is how you go from...

A normal closing box_____________________________________To a portable tama room!





Colorful paper

Fluff/Cotton Balls

Small bit of cardboard/white paper

Markers/Colored Pencils/Crayons

A closing box


You start out with your box and colored paper. Cut the paper so it is the measure of one side of a wall. Then tape it to a wall. Do this with all your other walls.


Next you take your fluff and position it so it is up against the back wall. You can shape it however you want, split it apart, or, like I did, put it all in one row.


Next take the rest of your colored paper and cut a circle to make a rug. Put it where you want it. Mines in front of the comfy fluff bed where your tamas sit.


Next, make your T.V. Take your cardboard or white piece of paper and cut a square. Then take your coloring stuff, draw a black line around the outside (like below) and draw whatever you want on the inside. Then stick on the wall across from the tama sitting area.


And voila! There's your very own portable tama house! Depending on the size of the box you use, the number of tamas that will fit will vary. Mine fits two (A tamago and a v4), so if you have more you might want to look at a bigger box. This project is specifically designed for procrastinators and busy people becuase it only takes about half an hour and its really fun! So get creative and I hope you have bunches of fun with your new tama hangout!! :)

**More tutorials to come soon, hopefully!






Good idea. It's very similar to violetchiluv3r's tanamgotchi box room! I hope that you will continue to create several more. I will try this out tomorrow I think!

Congratulations once again :)


It's great, good job! Although, the depressingly large size of the Tama-Go reminded me of that Futurama scene...

"I'm gonna stay in my room!!!"

"You so fat, you stay in whole of room!"

But yeah, it still works really well :)

Thanks for all the really nice comments!! :) I will continue to make more crafts (not similar to this) in the near future, hopefully! :)

Awesome! Does this work with a non-closing box as well? (I'm guessing it does,my tamas won't mind sleeping without a roof ;) )

nekopan - I am pretty sure this would also apply to a box with no cover, or a box that has had its cover cut off. It just wouldn't have a roof. :p

This idea reminds me of the Tamagotchi School themed figure house released in Japan, that actually has a slot for a Tamaschool pet to sit when it is closed. I may just do this at some point, with some adjustments and whatnot. Thanks for the input! :)

Well of course it works with no top, but if you want a portable room it works best with a top (so stuff doesn't come out easily) :)

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