potty training...


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Aug 7, 2004
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hey guys, well...i'm just wondering how often you need to catch your tama in the "process" of going to the bathroom in order for it to be potty trained when its older? do you need to catch it evvvvery single time before it turns to a teenager? i've missed it twice so far..eeks! i dont wanna haev to end up cleanin up after it when its a teen. thanks for the replies! :)

--kristi akemi

oh! one more thing...my tama didn't age over night for some reason? I started my yesterday at around 2pm and he has had a full night sleep already. i wonder why he's not one years old yet?? is it beacuse its not yet 2pm today??

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Well my Connections are still young, so i am not positive, but i am pretty sure you don't have to catch them EVERY time, because that would just be to hard, also a general rule is to keep them happy, clean it up within 15 minutes of there "accident".

Hope i helped.

You cannot potty train a tamagotchi!!!Most you can do is bring it to the toilet when it needs to go.

P.S.Your tama will probably grow at 2pm.

If you have a keitai, and you donate 1000gp to the king this little unchikun guy will come and clean it up for you! But... no your tama won't become potty trained...

well like the others said while u cant potty train a tama so it will go 2 the toilet automatically u can still bring it the toilet in the process.Also ur tama needs a full 24hrs. before they grow a year so until it reaches 2pm again ur tama will continue 2 stay the same age.

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