potty training


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Aug 17, 2004
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I have been trying to catch my tamagotchis pooing so that I can potty train them. I was wondering how many times do you have to catch them to get them to use the toilet on their own?

I have been trying to catch my tamagotchis pooing so that I can potty train them. I was wondering how many times do you have to catch them to get them to use the toilet on their own?
Wait. Are you sure we can even potty train them?

yes we can potty train them but i dont no how many times i was gonna post the same thing

Do you have to wait he finish or wash it while he is doing it?!

Anyway, I have just found my Ichigotchi taking a bath alone!

you have to catch it will it is emitting the little stink waves. you know when it is making the stink face. A little toilet will appear on the screen with you tama in position. i think they cheer after they are done and i read that it fills a happy heart when it uses the potty. I haven't been able to verify the heart part though.

and wen they are a kid they use a ducky for a potty but if u look it looks kind... not right...

LOL ;) the hard part about it is that you have to keep watching them to make sure you see the stink waves before it poos. I'm not sure how long the stink waves appear for before it actually makes a mess, but it's quite easy to miss it :D

Also I don't know if they ever just use the toilet on their own, or if you have to select the toilet icon every time... I hope eventually they do it by themselves, it'd be a lot easier! :p

I have been trying to catch my tamagotchis pooing so that I can potty train them. I was wondering how many times do you have to catch them to get them to use the toilet on their own?
You can't.

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