Pranks... :o


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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2006
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Playing with my Tamagotchi
This is an edited extract from one of my other posts

What is a "prank"?

A prank is an image or animation (commonly a video) which includes a "scary" image. For example, let's say you're watching a video on a site, which is accompanied by music. Suddenly, a scary image pops up. :unsure: I was going to describe it more but just a description (even a vague one) could give a little kid nightmares.

People often link to these in posts or their signature, trying to scare people.

Fortunately, there are often easy ways to tell whether a signature link is really going to take you where it says it is...

Become a Prank-Detector...

There are two easy ways to tell whether a link will open a TT page or an external page - links which open external pages will always turn black when you go over them, whereas TT links will stay blue. I can't demonstrate this in a post, because post writing is always black, but have a go with the links in my signature (there are currently 2). One stays blue, one turns black.

When you wave your mouse above a link, the URL will appear below it. Try it with this link:


And remember that the URL that appear in the URL bar is real. Have a look at the writing that appears in your URL bar here:

It looks like a link to a harmless site - TamaTown. It is actually a link to TamaTalk. Still harmless! :wacko: But it's just my way of reminding you that links are not always what they appear - the URL bar never lies, though.

I advise against going to sites containing the following words in the URL:

- scare, scary, scared, fright, frightening, fear, etc

- reverse jingle bells

- any swear words or rude words

Remember, if a link claims to be taking you to something and it takes you to something else (especially a page with a video...) be wary and exit the window.

StarTama -_-

Well something very popular is going round at the moment where people say 'come and visit the best site it has pics of celebriies and other 1000 games!' and when you click on it it goes to that horrible brain-eater thing!!

Thanks for the tips!

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