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Nov 7, 2008
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Today, I taped a plastic spider on a string to the inside of a cabinet for someone to find. When my mom opened the cabinet, she yelled so loud I heard it from my room :(

oh, and I put a whoopee cushion on my friend's seat on the bus, and when he sat on it, I yelled "INCOMING!"

So, yeah. What pranks have you pulled?


Apart from a Woopee Cushion...I put it on my teacher's chair xD.

Otherwise, I hate to see people upset, even my enemies. And I'm also just not a prank pulling person. Although, I once poured vodka in a kid's drink [when I was like 6 yrs old]...other then that, nothing.

So yeah, now, I just hate pulling pranks. It makes me feel all bad on the inside.

I put Glad-wrap on the toilet a few weeks ago xD

My brother Matt and I were watching for anyone who went to the toilet. My other brother Nick went to the toilet, Matt and I got the video camera and filmed his reaction xD

A few Valentine's Days ago, I did something really cruel. But, yeah. Some things are better left unheard.

Like all the time!

Ketchup can be used for evil!

If you get maccas ketchup in the satchets and use a pin to stick one hole in it and put it under the toilet seat its funny.

I did it to my mum once and she screamed and told me how much ketchup is not fun when its up your butt.

My brother went all spazo when I got him and tried to hurt me but saw I have two feet and two fists and ran.

We cellotape the class door closed. When someone tries to enter it opens slightly then they smack into it real hard before the cellotape gives up and the door opens.

I can't think of anything right now. But, just last night, my sister left the lights on when I was trying to sleep, so I screamed at her to turn them off, but she wouldn't, so I had to get out of bed. It is not a good idea to mess with me when I am sleepy. So, to help establish that lesson, I poured water all over her bed. Haha, it was a cold night for that little ^%$$ &^%% $%#. You can tell we love each other, eh?

I've had my share of pranks. Mainly on my guy friends - they're better at taking the jokes than the girls. Sometime recently, my friend G stole three of my chocolates that I got from swim practice, so I rubbed one of my remaining Hersheys on his shorts and he walked around afterwards looking like he'd *cough* had a little accident. xD

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