Pre-school Problem


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December 2007 Contest Winner
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
I have a mohitamatchi, and whenever I try to enter pre-school this message comes up:

Unfortunately, your Tamagotchi pet is not at the right age to attend classes at Kindergarten. Please come back and play once you are a toddler!

In the instructions, it says my tama needs to be 0-2 years old to attend pre-school. Unless I'm blind, my tama is 0 lol.

Anyone else having the same problem?


u have to get a [!] mail from nazotchi (the mail man) which will show the teacher giving u a backpack then u can go to pre-school under the connection icon. ur tama will dance with the teacher ... so i guess u have to get the mail before being able to get into school in tamatown :?

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I had the same problem. YOu just have to wait until the mail arrives. it's in ! mail.

the mail icon (8th icon) will be flashing, but usually when u get mail there will be a noise and u see the mailman (nazotchi) giving ur mailbox an envelope or [!] for preschool, school or job interview

no problem, the [!] mail should arrive about 1 hour after ur shirotsubutchi/tsubutchi turns into a toddler/child.

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