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I dislike the Prep's at my school. They think they are much better than anyone else. I love my friends. (Non-Preps) Anyway, I dont give any thought about "Labels"


But, i mean i cinda feel sorry for them,

cause i mean, they'll never meet true friends :(

i have some BEST friends that are preps, there nice to people though

preps...there ok...some of them can be realy fun and crazy!!!! :( im half prep (tom-boy but i weir allllll pink and get mi hair done(some times)) well ya mi cuzen shes a TOTALLLLLLLL prep im ok with it thow cause shes a realy hyper,crazy and out going person!!!!....mi causen is 1 of the ppl at school who starts trends AND EVERY one in her grade copys what she says!

I don't really say I hate a certain labeled group.. Like I wouldn't say I hated all Preps.. But I would safely say I disliked a person for something they did or how they acted towards me..

On the internet, I dislike people who go haywire over a labeling topic, go off on an 'I'm only Myself' rampage, and try to force the same down others' throats. That's just me, though.. =]

I do find it very odd, however, when someone complains about being called names or being descriminated against and then says "I hate preps and jocks"
:U Isn't that.. like.. descriminating?

And for those of you who say "well, those preps who are really high up and think they're so great" that's also odd, seeing as.. well, isn't that like.. still being descriminating?
I totaly agree with this pyonchit post [as always! xD].

I find this equaly annoying. I don't understand- you hate them because they bug you and call you 'emo' and you then you turn around, hate them and call them 'preps' PLUS generalize all the other people who dress the same.

Very odd...

Not all preps are mean you know I sort of am one but I'm nice I'm not a full prep but yeah I'm still nice some are so rude though.

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