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Confront your mom.


If you have to, fight fire with fire. You are not a pet. You are not a doll. you have some rights. HappinessisGolden is right. You're mother is a helicopter parent.\

Jeezums/. o_O When I was seven I was permitted to watch The Pianist, Pearl Harbor, and Swing Kids, and tuned in with my mom for CSI. And now I can read pretty much any book I please, as long as I'm not reading like, a sex guide or something, and watch almost any movie. Except for when I ask my Gram. She refuses to let me read The Golden Compass because of her beliefs.

Confront your mom.

If you have to, fight fire with fire. ....
Uh.. I am really sorry, but I totally disagree with this advice.

nickigi has already given examples of what has happened to her before when she tries to "confront" her mother.

Clearly fighting fire with fire is not going to get her anywhere at all - except maybe a permanent grounding and a total ban on reading and clothes ... ^_^

This approach might work for you and your parents but from what nickigi has said, I think it would be a totally bad idea for her to try the same tactics with her mom.

In my experience, telling a parent like nickigi's mom that "my friends were allowed to do this / watch this / wear this when they were younger than me and can still do what they want" is going to make the restrictions worse... not get rid of them.

HappinessisGolden is kind of right - it is everyone's choice as to whether they obey their parents or not - except that's not the solution - because if you are smart you think about the consequences too... what happens when you disobey versus what happens when you obey and how easy or difficult that makes your day to day life and how happy or sad that makes your day to day life.

First of all with Fishfreak. Yea my parents started let me watch some pg-13 movies last year. they honestly dont care unless its rated R then they wont let me watch it. I was thinking of dropping the subject and using reverse physchology (sp?) where i say, yea i'll stop reading the book bla bla but im afraid my mom will agree and say, Good girl no matter Twilight books or whatever. And so i'm not sure if the reverse physchology will work.

HappinnessisGolden-Yes my mother is a helicopter parents. Oh and i am not 8 lol. I usually do go to my room whenever my parents are near and i'm reading a book that they probably would consider bad for me. lolz. no just some like kissing scenes i go into my room and read.

princess08-ooooh. umm my mom would KILL me if i started back talking her and stuff. we got into a big argument once and it did not turn out well. fire with fire does make it worse. movies isnt really a problem. well sometimes it is. when im watching a movie on t.v. and she doesnt like it she makes me change the channel or says, What kind of movie/show is this?? And when shes watching a movie thats for adults she changes the channel but she doesnt say anything. if i still dont leave the room she says, get out this movie is not for your age. and then yea.

Tamamum- you give the clearest advice. Yea i've already tried saying Well this kid does that or this kid can watch this bla bla. My mom says, Well I dont care what that kid does. YOur my kid and I care about what YOU do. I have to listen to my parents. Its not like i can stop. I get consequences and when i say thats it my choice to listen to them they get mad at me and i get grounded or something. I've gotten grounded so much that now I'm used to it. But when my mom gets back which is in a few days I'll talk to her! Thanks for the advice guys! I'll try every tactic that i think is good until my mom finally gives in.

OK so you may know a series called The Twilight Saga. Yea well someone told my mom that, that book is not for kids and so shes forbidding me to read any books unless she approves of them!!! I cant buy Breaking Dawn until her and my dad are done reading the whole series!!! I was crying for an hour!! What should i do! I have no freedom1! I cant wear any clothes unless she approves of them. i cant go to someones birthday unless she likes the person whos throwing the birthday. Thats why i missed Natalie's birthday! Please help!! I am out of ideas. My life is ruined.
They should know that the more they try to, "protect," you, the more you are going to rebel.

I dunno what to say here. Maybe you should tell them what I just told you. Ask them why the don't trust you and suggest that maybe you should get some more responsibility.

Thanks Tamamum. Your words mean something. My mom said though I cant pick any books not just the twilight series, until she comes. She said shes going to read twilight and see if its appropriate or not but i'm afraid she wont let me becuase the two main characters kiss sometimes and i dont know if my mom would like that. and something innapropriate is mentioned in the third book eclipse but its only a small mention and they dont even do anything. Thats what im afraid of. I always try to talk to them politely. i never whine or anything but they have to have it their way! they wont even let me talk for one second! they just say, end of conversation. They could be a little more mature about this. I've read a lot of different books but my mom told me that she doesnt trust me anymore so she has approve of my books! She doesnt trust me! All because i bought a book that she thinks is for 16 year olds and up. I'm almost 12 so I think I should get a bit more freedom. This whole summer I have gotten sooo many more rules!!!! I'm not free. I know a lot of kids have the same problem as me. but we never get the really right answer. parents are not fair.
Watch Ben 10. Awesome and snog free!

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