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Oct 2, 2005
Reaction score
I'm not that new to Tammys, i've played with and cared for a few before(i call them my nephews and nieces, lol) I recently got my very own tammy.

i) And there are times when he simply won't play. How can i remedy this situation?

i know that i can

1: Give snacks/food. I've noticed that tammys only seem to play when they are above a certain weight. And not so much that they exchange snacks for games.

2: Scold? Does this actually work? i scolded my Tammy till its happiness dropped to 1 but it refused to play. Only when he got over a certain weight did he start to play again.

ii) Next Question: Training Bars? How do i make it go higher?

1: I know that i can praise it when it is sad and scold it when it calls me for nothing. So far under these terms, it has only got 3 training bars(recently became a teen).

2: How else can i make it go up? I've heard i can buy a PC and play with it all day till its training is max? Is it true? Does the PC last forever?

iii) Next Question: Items, eg. Costumes, bowties. Do they last forever as long as i don't give them away or trash them? Can they be passed from generation to generation?

iv) Finally: Age. Can my Tammy die of old age? I know that Tammys can get reach senior age after about 16 Tamagoitchi years. Can they die? Can they still have kids at senior age or am i destined to stick to a old granny if it isn't married within its prime years?

Thanks in advance for any help/clearification provided.

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i. if it is like 99 pounds and it shakes its head no!

ii. when you wrap an item and it gives it poo instead of the wrapped present. it will laugh.

iii. no they wont go away. yes they can be passd on.

iv. yes they can. you can use honey but the match make wont come!

Hi! Glad to hear you got your own tama! Ill try my best to answer your questions.

i) I think giving snacks is okay, but don't let it get too far, you don't want a toothache to have to take care of! (When it is an adult though, it's okay) Scoldiing doesn't usually work, though unless the attention lights are on.

ii) You've just gotta wait. The PC trick works, but it takes ages to rack up enough points! Once it is a mid-teen you should have a bit over half training.

iii) Yes! But as as as I know they do not pass on to generation and generation but you can sure try!

iv) If you do not let the matchmaker match your tama up, it will turn into an old timer, then eventually die of old age. Best to mate them while you can, although if you mate the female and male old timers, it is said to create a mix of the two!

Hope I cleared things up for you.

Thanks for all the help but there's

One more thing.

Suppose i never connect to another Tama, and suppose i trained my tama correctly every time. What would be the highest possible training rating for each stage?

Baby: 1 bar(are these correct?)

Toddler: 2bars

Teen at 2yrs:3 bars

Start of adult:?

Start of old age:?

Also, if my tama is a 3rd generation and she dies of old age, do i have to restart with a 1st generation baby?

Thanks to all, i just needed some stuff cleared :p

I'm not exactly sure whta that means.

Baby: 1 bar

Child: 7 bars

Teen: 13? bars

Adult: 18? bars

Oldie: ? bars

ii) Next Question: Training Bars? How do i make it go higher?
You're right about #1. #2, I'm not sure, but I doubt it.

You can also raise training like so:

-Scold it if it gives another Tamagotchi something mean, then goes to the bottom of the screen and smirks. (Don't scold it if it just comes down to the middle and acts normal).


-Scold it if it has at least one hunger heart empty but won't eat.

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