Problems With Tamatalk? Any1?


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Aug 1, 2007
Reaction score
Has ANYBODY have any problems with tamatalk????? :furawatchi: If so, plz tell (Or P.M.) me in this topic right now!!!! (Or later)

Thanks alot,


P.S.If you've had any problems with tamachat??? I've got a qwstion 2 ask u people!!!!


If u want a "Whos ur favorite tamagotchi?" polls, I'll do that again. :rolleyes:

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Uh... Welcome to TamaTalk :furawatchi:

You might want to check through the site rules (there's a link in my signature message)
If anyone has a problem with TamaTalk, please contact a member of staff - Admin/Jappyx or one of the TamaTalk Guides (moderators)...

"Chat about it here" topics are against the rules I'm afraid :rolleyes:

If you have issues with TamaChat there's also an active thread where you can post:

If you want to post a new poll such as who's your fave tamagotchi, please go right ahead and post in the What's On Your Mind? forum - (as long as you're not duplicating an active topic)

If you want me to close this Introduction topic and start a new one, just send me a PM to let me know :rolleyes:

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Yeah, TamaMum.

You shouldn't post 'Come to me for Help' Topics, I think somewhere in Help For New Tamagotchi Owners (or something like that) it says in a Pinned Topic that you should not do that!

And any troubles with TamaChat can be reported to Admin, or the thread TamaMum has stated. ^_^

Hope I didn't upset you, this was typed with cheer ^_^

Best Wishes,



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