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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2006
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"Sing to me of the man, Muse, the man of twists and turns driven time and again off course, once he had plundered the hallowed heights of Troy..."

In the year 3000 AD, there had been a miracle created. A miracle which could lead to the utter destruction of our world-- or possibly to its salvation. Science, my friends, became a power strong enough to compete with the gods-- and what a day it was.

Yes, life had been created from nothingness, and with it, power-- in fact, it was multiplied eightfold! Yes, eight beings were created, made to ensnare, corrupt, and destroy. They were numbered 1 through 8, their special markings in between their shoulder blades, to conceal their identities from those who would flee them. Other than that, they looked like us, in a similar fashion to the gods of old.

They were all equal in power, but very different. There was the minotaur, blessed with the powers over earth, powerful and commanding. There was the siren, gifted with the air, swift and graceful like a bird. There was the Cerberus, cunning and devious, gifted with the powers of darkness and shadow. The wise sphinx, who only appeared but once in a grecian tale, held the power of light. Fire was given to the Nemean lion, ferocious and wild. The power of water was commanded by the Hydra, elusive and persistent. The centaur, dignified and strong, held the power of the plants and the trees. The project modeled after Medusa, the fallen priestess, had the power over spirits.

These eight, with their gifts and strengths, could terrify as easily as they could lure.

But they also had minds, they also had hearts. And, surprisingly, the also could feel. Perhaps that was a fault the scientists didn't want, but they had spent too much time producing these soldiers to even consider killing them. And so, they were trained in combat, brainwashed into serving just one government.

Some however, fled the corruption, trying to make new, human lives for themselves. They were hunted down, day after day, suffering in silence. And the trackers were grieved, but they had to destroy their own kin.

O muses, let us unwind this tale, follow their errors and victories, their lives and deaths.

SETTING: Capital City, United World Republic. YEAR: 3000 AD


COMBAT SUITS: These suits are the first articles of clothing given to the eight. Instead of the lines glowing white, they will glow in the respective colors of the user. Minotaur will have a rusty color glow, siren a teal glow, cerberus a gray glow, sphinx a yellow orange glow, lion a red glow, hydra a blue glow, and medusa a purple glow. These suits will usually only be worn 1. In a combat 2. On duty (this mainly applies for those who stay with the government, and they'd only wear these at night. The glow can be turned on and off according to what the user wishes, and they come with perks, which will be explained later on. (Think suits like in Tron: Legacy. That's the futuristic look we're going for.)



#1: Project Minotaur played by:

#2: Project Siren played by: Swan_Song

#3: Project Cerberus played by:

#4: Project Sphinx played by:

#5: Project Nemean Lion played by:

#6: Project Hydra played by:

#7: Project Centaur played by:

#8: Project Medusa played by:


1. Please follow all Tamatalk rules

2. I have a 5 sentence rule that needs to be followed. You don't have to make a huge post, but smaller than a small paragraph? It might not move along the plot very much.

3. Proper spelling and grammar (unless it is a part of your character) is a MUST.

4. If you want to be one of the eight, you can only apply for ONE of them. You can make other characters if you want but they can't be projects.

5. The profile layout will be in the post below. If you're applying to be one of the eight, you need to pm it to me so I can approve it before you post it on the topic. If more than one person applies for the same project, I will see whose profile is better.

6. Please feel free to be as creative as you like.

7. NO MATTER WHAT THE PROJECT IS BASED ON, IT CAN BE EITHER MAE OR FEMALE. So you could make Project Centaur a girl, or Project Medusa a boy. I don't care. =)

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(For Projects)





APPEARANCE: (Good description)

PERSONALITY: (Good Description)


FOR OR AGAINST GOVERNMENT: (We need projects on both sides)


(For Other Characters)










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I'm sorry, but I think I'm going to have to pass on your character profile.

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This is Bunny_grl07 on my new account! :)

If you emailed your profile to Bunny_grl07, don't worry, I'm still checking it!

PROJECT NAME: Project Siren

HUMAN ALIAS: Zephyr Mulholland

GENDER: Female


APPEARANCE: Zephyr was manufactured to be beautiful, to make it easier for her to lure her targets in. She has long blonde hair that goes well with her pale skin. She's slender, and is around 5'5" tall. Her eyes are bright green, with flecks of gold in them-- part of her bird-like persona. When she's not on duty, she'll wear anything and everything that is fashionable. She demands to look good at all times, and is constantly checking her appearance, preening herself as if she were a bird or something. Her combat suit has a teal glow on the lines, and she absolutely loves it. She could wear a plastic bag and make it look good-- that's just how she was made. Her favorite colors to wear are blacks and blues, and she never wears the same outfit more than once a week. She doesn't usually wear makeup, but when she does, she goes for a bright red lipstick and black eyeliner an mascara-- the classic bombshell look.

PERSONALITY: Zephyr is definitely a strange sort of girl. She's not afraid to get her hands dirty, but she has to look good or else she won't do it. She has to dress up before going on her missions and killing someone. However, that doesn't mean she's stupid. She is cunning and extremely manipulative/seductive, and knows exactly how to get what she wants from people. Of course, that charm has worn out on the other projects (oh well), but she still tries every so often. She works in her own interests, not really concerned with the missions, but not really concerned with the outside world. She sticks with the government for now because they give her the best rewards. If someone else entices her with better offers, then she'll switch to help herself. Obviously, she can be extremely vain, but the people who manage to get close to her earn her kindness and her friendship-- something not to be taken lightly. She finds humans interesting, and will study them long before she chooses to kill them. She has a fondness for the ocean, and for music especially. People say that she has the voice of an angel-- again, another part of how she was made.

SEXUALITY: Although she'll woo anyone to get what she wants, she's heterosexual.

FOR OR AGAINST GOVERNMENT: For... at least, as long as they keep her satisfied.

OTHER: Nope.

PROJECT NAME: Project Cerberus

HUMAN ALIAS: Leila Chase

GENDER: Female


APPEARANCE: Leila looks as though she’s not a threat to anyone, small and fragile, which tends to anger her. She has long, wait length black hair, which is often kept in a low ponytail, standing out against her pale skin. She stands at about 4'8" and quite an average body. She has auburn eyes, almost golden. When she’s not in her combat suit, she’ll wear almost any clothing that she feels comfortable in, such as jeans, button up shirt, belt, whatever she can throw together but she’ll never wear a dress or put on make up. She does like to wear bright colours, thinking they draw too much attention. Leila also wears a dog collar, to remind herself she cannot run away that easily even if she wishes too.

PERSONALITY: Despite how innocent Leila can look, she is a fierce, cunning and short-tempered girl. She’ll make herself look sweet and adorable to lure in her prey, she’ll complain about it but still gets the job done. If there’s anything Leila likes to do in her spare time, it’s sleeping or daydreaming. She often uses an ‘outer character’ around people she doesn’t know or have nothing to do with her work. She’ll act like a warm-hearted, innocent young girl when acting like her true self, she’ll become impolite and rude though loyal and true to her word, well most of the time. She doesn’t have much reasoning for sticking with the government; she just felt it was best to do so. She could care less about humans, if she could she’d kill them all off but because of how she was made, she cannot; she is like a dog, loyal and follows her masters commands, most of the time but only under strong reasoning will she disobey an order. She love to have alone time in large areas, such as a forest and sing to herself, she has a decent singing voice. Not horrible yet not like an angel.





Post your profiles on here and I'll approve them from here. :)

Storm clouds on the horizon.... a fell wind has befallen the city... The rain will be falling soon... stop with your cryptic poetry... is it poetic? I never knew... I will not wake up to the sunshine... let the wind blow, and the skies roar... let them yell with me...



For I am their keeper.

At the sound of her alarm, Zephyr groaned loudly and rolled over in her bed, slapping the snooze button lazily. With another groan of displeasure, she looked out the window, the sky hazy with smoke and clouds. The city was waking up, breathing after a standstill of nightfall. Zephyr let out a sigh, causing the curtains of her penthouse window to ruffle. Yes, she lived in a penthouse, but it was contained in the government complex, unseen by anyone besides government members. She hated that. It was like a big cage. Luckily, the courtyard had an open sky, so she could fly free if she wanted. Running her fingers through her hair, she decided not to shower, seeing as she had done so before she went to bed. She changed clothes, then went to report to her boss, slipping her sunglasses on for a cool effect.

A soft groan of dismay came from under the sheets as an alarm went off. Leila lazily tried to find the snooze button, she had no idea why she even bothered using an alarm clock since she usually woke up before it would go off. Once it had stopped, she curled up on the bed again still trying to fall asleep again. No use. Finally giving up, Leila forced herself out of bed and rubbed her eyes. Looking around apartment, her stomach growled. Loudly. She groaned once again, cursing under her breath forcing herself to get dressed. White dress shirt, black jacket, red plaid skirt and leggings. A clothing combination she usually wore. Slipping on some shoes and her dog collar, she decided to go find something to eat before anything else.

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