Project Tama


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The Lost Sean

Well-known member
Feb 21, 2007
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[SIZE=14pt]Project Tama[/SIZE]

Chapter One, “Ninety-Eight Percent”

“Hatching process at 67 percent and rising…”

“Hatching process at 68 percent and rising…”

The feminine voice of a very bored sounding computer terminal rattled off the seconds that were displayed in an intense bold green mechanical text on a unnecessarily large screen that took up just about the entire wall. Professor Herbert was nearly blind and constantly and feverishly refused to the utmost extent to wear glasses. Therefore it made sense, to him at the very least, that he built everything that needed to be seen or watched to an extremely huge stature. Sometimes he also added a voice to it so he wouldn’t have to look at all. The only problem with that was he would often forget that the inventions had voice capabilities and the sudden sound of something being said would often make him jump in a startled nonplussed fashion. This lead to him having to use the same voice on all of his things so that he would remember that it was a machine and not an intruder. He found it best to have a comforting female voice that was drained of any emotion or excitement or any other intonations that might startle him.

“Hatching process at 79 percent…”

He turned from a table that was completely covered in bits and pieces of scrap metal and wiring and wrinkled his old face up at the screen trying to read the contents.

“Hatching process at 86 percent”

The professor licked his chops and clapped his hands together and began to rub them together in excitement. The intensity of the green lettering from the screen tinted his frazzled white hair a slight lime skin hue as he stood there drenched with anticipation. He had been working exactly seven years twenty six days and four hours on this experiment and finally the moment at hand would either give his long research and work vindication or set him into the foulest mood imaginable. This was to be his last attempt and if it did not succeed, he would truly feel the hot, sticky breath of defeat. He had no more money, credibility, prestige, or friends that he could rely on. Everything mattered on weather or not this would work.

“Hatching process at 99 percent…”

Herbert’s eyes lit up, “Any moment now!” he rasped.

“Hatching process at 98 percent…”

Perplexed, Herbert shot a dull angry glance at the computer terminal just to the right of the screen, “What?!”

The computer recognized its creator’s response as one that had been programmed into the volume controls.


The loud booming caused Herbert to cover his ear quickly and his heart started off like and exceptionally skilled drummer that was quite angry with the snare drum.

“I HEARD what you said you blasted bucket of bolts! Why the heck has it gone from 99 to 98 percent?!” He stared up at the screen, discontent with it still slightly alarmed.

“According to your protocol and recent programming of my artificial intelligence sectors I was required to “fool” you…today is the first day of April. The actual percentage of the hatching process is 100 percent and all analysis shows that it has been a perfect hatching.”

The annoyance in the sound of Herbert’s long winded sigh prompted the computer.

“Sir, you seem troubled by this… should this protocol be disabled?”

“No, no… it’s alright… I’ve more important matters.” Herbert suddenly was overwhelmed by a sweeping realization. “Wait, did you say that it was a perfect hatching?!”

“Yes sir, that is correct”

Hebert turned on his heel and hobbled over to a large mechanical square-ish pod located in the right corner of his lab. The pod was about 7 feet tall and had a ridiculous amount of monitors and wires coming to and from it. In the very front was a giant blue button with a symbol you would normally find on a DVD or CD player to eject the disc. With a roll of his eyes he quickly scanned the many monitors then jabbed his palm onto the button. A loud pressure release hissing sound sent him stumbling backwards and tripping over a pairing of red and green thick wires that lay on the ground. He fell immediately onto his behind, but kept his gaze on the pod. The outer part of the pod lifted slowly into the air sending a grey haze of fog and light out gradually as it lifted. Herbert’s mouth began to open and his eye glazed over. The fog quickly was dissipating and finally the outer part of the pod was completely lifted off. Illuminated by a soft light, hovering gently just a foot above the pod’s inner platform was his triumph. His eyes began to moisten as tears of complete joy were forming. He had done it. There in front of him, the first ever REAL Tamagotchi egg had just been created.

:) Chapter Two, on it's way soon... ;)


I hope you have enjoyed the first chapter of this story, of which there will be many more chapters in the future. If you had fun reading this please feel free to let me know by PM or a comment in the FanFic Comment section.

My first tama fanfic, Crystal Crisis, can be found (if you are interested) at the following links:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2
