Psychic Moments.


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All the time. But they happen when I'm awake.


I think of a TV episode, next day, that episode is on.

I think of a song, 5 minutes later, that song is on the radio.


I think of a cool name for my band which I never heard, next TV commercial I see is about an album by a band with the same name.

I randomly start to think of a song I never heard of, turn on the radio, still thinking of that song, and the song on the radio is the song I was thinking off, exactly at the part I was thinking.

BOOK/MOVIE MOMENTS: (note. The thing in the movie/book happened seconds before the real thing)

I'm reading Twilight at the part Bella meets Edward, my sister tells me she's in love with the new kid.

The girl in the movie broke her I-pod, the dog ate my MP4

The girl in the book lost her cell-phone reseption, the phone battery dies while I'm in the middle of a conversation.

Freaky, eh?

I had one yesterday.

On TV, there were 3 girls and 2 of them had to answer questions about the 3rd girl. One question was, "What movie is she(the 3rd girl) obsessed with?" I was like (quietly), "Twilight."

It was Twilight. The other 2 girls got that question wrong.

I am really good at guessing how many fingers people have behind their back. I get it right almost every time.


And one time, I had this really weird dream that I was making peas in some special kitchen, and when I woke up, my mom was making peas for lunch, haha.


My dad and I play psychic cards, it where you shuffle them and guess what the next number you deal is, and whoever is closer takes a card, if you're exactly right, you get 2 and it tells you how psychic you are, it's fun.

Im not sure if this is telepathy but whenever my cousin are thinking of a song in are head and its the same song we burst out singing it at the same time. And without looking we know what song it is And what time we're gonna sing it anytime anywhere.

I really dont think thats telepathy but it related.

-Not a phychic moment just weird-

Once I had a dream about this house. Ya know, big deal. Whatev.

Then months later me and my family were looking into buying a house by the water. And this one bathroom and hallway was identical to the bathroom and hallway in the house in my dream.


Today I expected to hurt someone in Netball.. and I did. The poor girl's finger got cut slightly open while we were doing a toss-up. Screaming, crying, you name it.. I felt really guilty.

And just now, I thought Weiwei might be watching Family Guy.

And guess what? She is... O:

Weiwei was watching Family Guy and I said "I love Stewie <3" and Stewie started talking right then.


Whew, glad I got THAT off my chest! But really, look at this! Symptoms of if you are an Indigo child.

~ Warrior temperate

~ Determined

~ Detect dishonesty from a mile away

~ Absolute confidence

~ They rarely need others to tell them who they are

~ Are easily frustrated with routine or ritual

~ Based activities that require no creative thought

~ They do not accept authority without

explanation or choice

~ Non conformist

~ They have no trouble telling you what they need

~ May seem anti social if they are not around children like them

~ Sensitive

~ Intuitive

~ Technologically orientated

~ Intelligent

~ Empathy for others yet not for stupidity

~ Amazing memory

I am determined, detect dishonesty (though I am not sure if I can from a mile away), I'm confident, I don't need people to set me in my place, I get angered by routine, no trouble telling people what I need, antisocial unless the other kid and I are alike in some way (either big or small), sensitive, intelligent, empathy for others not stupidity, good memory (I can remember small things from when I was 3 YEARS OLD!) and technology oriented... What about you people? AND GO TO THE LINK!!! =D

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