Pubic Hair


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Though I do wish I could shave. But my Mum won't let me. >.
Well you could if you really want to trim it with scissors if you are very careful. I do that too sometimes.

Well you could if you really want to trim it with scissors if you are very careful. I do that too sometimes.
That causes it to grow back itching.

I say the best advice is to just leave it.

Well you could if you really want to trim it with scissors if you are very careful. I do that too sometimes.
I do this too. If you dont want to have long hairs all over the place, carefully trimming them with a small pair of scissors is a good idea. Shaving can cause ingrown hairs and be a huge pain in the butt. Trimming is a nice alternative.

I hate shaving, it can be painful when it grows back. Trimming is a good alternative. could do like I did a few months ago and give yourself a waxing. I really don't recommend it unless you are A. feeling extremely brave and B. have a very high pain tolerance. :D People in the U.S. dont usually wax until their teens or so, but it lasts much longer than shaving your bikini area if you really don't like hair there.

You can wax either just around your bikini area to keep things trimmed up a bit and tidy looking, or you can do a full Brazillian...which I did to myself. That means every single hair goes. o.o That is much more painful than a bikini waxing and I don't think I will do it again for awhile, but it did last several weeks. So, I definitely recommend a bikini wax over a Brazillian for most girls if you're going to try one. :angry:

Well, I have to admit, I'm 12 right, well, I got it when I was 10, I am an over-depveploper is what the doc says, and, like my friend said "alot of guy like you cuz of your looks!" adn I'm like "what?!" and she said "Look at your self, you have boobs, an a nice bod, you gots everything I wish I had!" and even my guy friend, Taylor said once om MSN cuz I said to him "Am I pretty (and be honest)" and he said "YAAAA!!!!! Cookie!" (he's a dork, but he's my best dorky friend, he's my buddy lol, he almost hugged me once, another storry though) but ANYWAY I mean, girls grow at differnet ages, I got hair down there (I rymed lmao) at age 10, my friend just got it down there and she's 13 (she got held back) so, I mean there are differnt ages, but, if your really scared/concerd contact a docotor.

I have some, yes, but not loads, only about 3. I haven't had a period yet and I have no showy hair under my armpits :puroperatchi: I'm growing outwards somewhere else as well which annoys me > :ichigotchi: But I'm just tall. Other people in my class have armpit hair and small boobs, but I don't know about hair *down there* cause I don't look when we're getting changed. I think 1 or 2 of the girls in my class are gonna have their first period soon though. I'm in year 6.

A girl in my class wears a bra, and lots of other girls wear soft bras and crop tops. :kuribotchi:

Sometimes I wish puberty never happened xD

how can i tell my mom i have pubic hair?
just tell her. it's nothing to embarrassed about, she has it too most likely.. it just means you are growing up.

And yes, yes i do. I'm 13.. i think i've had it since i was 9.

I had mine when I was 9-10. But I don't shave it. My mom said I shouldn't. But I probabaly will anyway.

I had mine when I was 9-10. But I don't shave it. My mom said I shouldn't. But I probabaly will anyway.
when you shave be careful to shave in the way your hair grows, otherwise you get (painful) ingrown hairs.

Can I shave the hair down there? *blushes* OMG :blink: :( :huh: :huh: :D
Of course. You can shave any hair on your body xP

I shave it. The only downfall is it's itchy when it grows back and you can get ingrown hairs.

Just a warning, if you do decide to shave, don't do it more than once a week. Trust me, razor burn down there is horrid.

Of course. You can shave any hair on your body xP I shave it. The only downfall is it's itchy when it grows back and you can get ingrown hairs.

Just a warning, if you do decide to shave, don't do it more than once a week. Trust me, razor burn down there is horrid.
Ugh yeah. I tried that a few weeks ago [only a bit] because I HATE IT SO MUCH and it hurt like heck. I would walk, it'd poke and I'd be like wtf[iretrucks]. :blink:

Ugh yeah. I tried that a few weeks ago [only a bit] because I HATE IT SO MUCH and it hurt like heck. I would walk, it'd poke and I'd be like wtf[iretrucks]. :)
Gotta love the grow back xP

I feel disgusting if I don't shave though D:

Dirty. Bleh.

Compared to the rest of you people, I was a late bloomer :D I first remember getting pubic hairs when I was 11 and a half... Armpit hairs didn't start growing until I was 13 and I guess sexual feelings for boys came in between :D

I don't shave down there, but I do shave my armpits. I wear singlets a lot (Australian summer, too hot to wear a normal shirt :D ) so I don't want to look like there's little furry rodents under my arms :D

It's alright. The only thing I hate right now is how my period always finds a way to arrive during swimming... IT'S HAUNTING ME! lol...

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