Punky Style


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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2007
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Somewhere your not XD
Theres a new style. Punk. Do you like it?

I love it. Black and Pink is sooo good togther and just the punk style is cool. Messy bun (jeans if possible) shorts black ON (old navy flip flops) and a black shirt with crossbones or guitars on it and black or dark plum or purple nail polish


1) Punk isn't new. Its been around for a long time.. Unless you mean It's cool in your school.

2) I don't like punk posers. As you're acting like one right now.

I love it. Black and Pink is sooo good togther and just the punk style is cool. Messy bun (jeans if possible) shorts black ON (old navy flip flops) and a black shirt with crossbones or guitars on it and black or dark plum or purple nail polish..
That right there is being a punk poser my friend. You have to be punk "By heart". You sounds like you want to be punk just to be cool.. Or you just like the style. Which I can understand.

To answers your question. Yes, I do like the whole "punk" style.. But not the way you like it. I like the music.. :angry:

1) Punk isn't new. Its been around for a long time.. Unless you mean It's cool in your school.
2) I don't like punk posers. As you're acting like one right now.

That right there is being a punk poser my friend. You have to be punk "By heart". You sounds like you want to be punk just to be cool.. Or you just like the style. Which I can understand.

To answers your question. Yes, I do like the whole "punk" style.. But not the way you like it. I like the music.. :angry:
I don't like "punk". The people at my school make fun of "punks" and "emos".

I don't use tags, and I never will.

Sometimes i like it. And btw, punk style is NOT old, as weride said, along with the poser thing.

Theres a new style. Punk. Do you like it?
I love it. Black and Pink is sooo good togther and just the punk style is cool. Messy bun (jeans if possible) shorts black ON (old navy flip flops) and a black shirt with crossbones or guitars on it and black or dark plum or purple nail polish

what the..? one topic you wish to be a 'plastic', next a punk?

my god, you sound like a follower no offense..

pick one sense of style- your own. what you truley like

but 'punk' style's fine


Oddly enough, I hardly see anybody truly "punk". I think it's been dead for a while. I see them occasionally, but I don't think it's like, "the new style".

1) Punk isn't new. Its been around for a long time.. Unless you mean It's cool in your school.
2) I don't like punk posers. As you're acting like one right now.

That right there is being a punk poser my friend. You have to be punk "By heart". You sounds like you want to be punk just to be cool.. Or you just like the style. Which I can understand.

To answers your question. Yes, I do like the whole "punk" style.. But not the way you like it. I like the music.. :wacko:
O: You pwnded my friend.

@Topic - Uhmm... I don't really know myself... ^^;

Plastic or punk, make up your mind. 

Punk is more then some simple outfit just so you know, punk is music and an attitude.

Don't pretend.
Yeah. Wearing a messy bun and dark nail polish does not make you anything, except a follower. If that's what you're not. Dying your hair blonde and stuffing your bra won't make you plastic, just a plastic follower. You can't really be plastic one day and punk the next... it sounds kinda desperate to me.

I like punk style. I think it's really cool. And you're right when you say black and pink go really well together. I think that the clothing style is awesome, but the attitude and the music have to be there with it. Or else, you're just a poser, like everyone has said.


Ok first off it sounds like you wanna be more like Avril Lavigne .-.

Secondly Punk as been around since's the 80's.

And like the others said, Plastic and now Punk? come on just be yourself!

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